Chapter 160: A Dangerous Winters!

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"In an abandoned subway station in Mauville City"

Nate and multiple officers in a a large room, people with their hands on their heads as they are being arrested

Nate: Okay listen people. Just tell us where the Winters is, and you can all cop cars.

Man: She just got put in the subway car.

Nate turns to the man who said that who is sitting in the front row

Nate: Much appreciated.

Nate heads for the only train car and opens it, a shiny Lucario jumps him

Nate: Whoa whoa whoa. Easy now. I'm here to help.

Nate looks over the Lucario's shoulder and sees a girl

Nate: Read my Aura.

The Lucario reads his Aura, and nods to the girl. Nate approaches her

Nate: Hey there. My name is Nate Winters. I've come to help you. What's your name?

The girl looks at Nate and shakes

The girl looks at Nate and shakes

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Nate: I'm not gonna hurt you. Can you tell me your name?

Girl: Alex.

Nate: Okay, Alex. Let's get you to a hospital.

Alex nods. Nate picks her up and the Lucario follows

"With Natsu and Gio"

Natsu and Gio chase a Swablu on the sidewalk

Natsu: Tigra, use Electroweb!

Tigra: Gra!

Tigra jumps up and uses Electroweb, trapping the Swablu

Natsu: Do it now!

Gio: Right! Pokéball go!

Gio throws a Pokéball and hits Swablu. Swablu gets sucked into the Pokéball and it dings

Rotom Phone: Swablu has been registered to your Pokedéx.

Gio: Yes!

Gio picks up the Pokéball

Natsu: Your first catch of the day.

Gio: Yeah. So, ready to go to the Youth Center?

Natsu: Yeah.

"With Nate, in the hospital"

Nate and a doctor stand outside a room with Tara's name on it

Nate: So what's wrong with her?

Doctor: Well she'll have to live with one eye from now on. She'll have a scar over her left eye. Her right tear duct is permanently damaged, so when she cries she'll be crying blood. She has other wounds that will become scars. Other than that she was very dehydrated, and malnourished. She hasn't said anything to us when we asked her if she was allergic to anything.

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