Chapter 179: Masters Eight Tournament! Natsu Versus Sai!

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"On the battlefield of Wyndon Stadium"

Natsu and Sai stand on opposite sides as the crowd cheers

Announcer: It's time for the last battle for today. The Champion of Oblivia before Connor, Sai Steel, versus the Lumiose Cup Champion and also nephew, Natsu Winters. They both have one star left each, so neither one of them can afford to make a mistake.

"In the seats"

Rika sits with Chespin on her lap. Gio walks over with Alex and Lizzie

Gio: Rika, would mind scooting over a bit?

Rika: Sure.

Rika scoots down, Gio, Alex and Lizzie sit down. Clair approaches

Rika: Unova Champion!

Clair: Hi there. I hear your Connor's little sister.

Clair sits down next to Rika and hugs Chespin

Clair: You are so cute!

Chespin smiles

Rika: What are you doing in the stands?

Alex: She said she wanted to watch the battle. Where'd Mick go?

Rika: He said he had to go back to Unova.

Alex: Aw man. I wanted to have more of his cooking.

"On the battlefield"

Ref: You may each use three Pokémon in the first round. There is no limit on switching out Pokémon. Whoever makes all three of their opponent's Pokémon unable to battle will be the winner. Additionally, you are allowed a single use of only one of the following: Dynamax, a Z Move, Mega Evolution, or Fusion.

"In the seats"

Rika: Natsu has all four.

Gio: All of his adventures got him here.

Alex: This is gonna be epic.

"On the battlefield"

Natsu: Uncle! We're heading to the semi finals!

Sai: You sound pretty confident even though I'm the one you're battling, Pipsqueak.

Natsu: I am not a Pipsqueak!

Sai: We'll see about that.

Ref: Now, both battlers, send out your first Pokémon onto the field! Three! Two! One!

Natsu and Sai throw Pokéballs

Natsu and Sai: Let's go!

Sai: Metagross!

Natsu: Silvally!

The Pokéballs open, Metagross and Silvally stand on the battlefield and glare

Silvally: Silval!

Metagross: Gross!

Announcer: Both sides have sent out their first Pokémon. It's Silvally versus Metagross.

Ref: Battle begin!

Natsu: Flamethrower!

Sai: Use Agility!

Silvally uses Flamethrower and Metagross dodges each blast

Natsu: Ice Fang!

Sai: Psychic, let's go!

Metagross gets close to Silvally. Silvally bites down on Metagross's steel eye brow. The two get pushed back, Silvally slides on the ground and growls

Announcer: Ice Fang lowered the damage!

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