Chapter 180: The Pokémon Battle Ball!

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"In Wyndon Stadium"

A very tired Natsu and Tigra rub their eyes as Natsu walks onto a square, Ryoto standing on the one across the battlefield

Ryoto: About time you showed up!

Natsu: Sorry. I'm not used to waking up early.

Ryoto: Well get used to it. Let me see your Pokémon!

Natsu takes five Pokéballs out of his pocket and they open, Natsu's Pokémon emerge from the Pokéballs yawning

Weavile: Weav....

Ryoto: So you brought your Sinnoh Weavile this time.

Natsu: I only used my Oblivian Weavile to counter my Uncle's Steel Types.

Ryoto: Hmph. Where are your friends?

Natsu: Still sleeping. Can we start?

Ryoto: Sure. Choose one to stay on the battlefield, then have the other four stand behind you. This will be a king of the court battle. You can use all use of the following: Dynamax, Mega Evolution, Z Move, or Fusion.

Natsu: All right.

Ryoto takes out an Ultra Ball and throws it

Ryoto: Banette, you're up!

The Ultra Ball opens and a shiny Banette comes out

The Ultra Ball opens and a shiny Banette comes out

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Banette: Ban!

Natsu: Whoa. A shiny Banette!

Natsu's eyes go wide

Ryoto: That woke you up.

Banette floats and spins. Natsu sees a ring on Banette's tail with a stone on it

Natsu: Wait, is that a Mega Stone?

Ryoto: That's right. Banette has the ability to Mega Evolve.

Banette floats around Natsu and laughs

Natsu: If you're using a Ghost Type, I'm using a Dark Type! Weavile, I'm choosing you!

Weavile: Vile!

Weavile jumps over Natsu and smirks

Ryoto: Very well. Let us begin.

Banette floats back to Ryoto's side of the battlefield

Natsu and Ryoto: Shadow Ball!

Banette and Weavile both throw a Shadow Ball. The Shadow Balls clash and explode

Natsu: Poison Jab!

Weavile's claws glow purple, and it runs through the smoke

Ryoto: Don't let it touch you!

Banette makes its body transparent, and Weavile goes through it, and stumbles

Natsu: I didn't see that coming.

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