Chapter 40: Coumarine City Festival! Ren's Determination!

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Ren pov

I was walking through the desert of the Hoenn Region, Incineroar by my side, and I was wearing a cloak with the hood up to prevent sand from getting in my eyes. My other pokemon were with my parents back at home. Incineroar had goggles around his eyes. We were looking for someone powerful and I had a feeling he was in the desert

Use Flare Blitz! I heard a voice yell from inside a cave, than black smoke came from inside it

Incineroar, over there. I said to my partner, pointing at the cave

Roar. Incineroar replied, than we walked over to the cave

"Now deep inside the cave, lava coming out of some cracks in the walls, and going into a deep crator"

"Now deep inside the cave, lava coming out of some cracks in the walls, and going into a deep crator"

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So this is where you've been since chairman Rose attacked Wyndon. I said to the figure

What do you want? The figure asked, and turned around to face me

Battle me, battle me right now! I yelled

Infernape rise! The figure yelled, and his Infernape came from the deep crator, englufed in fire

Roar! Incineroar roared

Nape! The Infernape roared back

Use Thunder Punch! We both yelled

Our pokemon leaped at eachother, fists encased in electricity, and they punched eachother in the face, than pushed eachother back to where they were originally standing

Use Flare Blitz! The figure yelled

Infernape engulfed its body in blue fire, than hit Incineroar in the stomach

Grab it! I yelled

Incineroar grabbed Infernape and held it by the arms

Use Close Combat! The figure yelled

Infernape kicked Incineroar in the stomach, freeing its arms, than began to punch and kick Incineroar in the stomach, face, legs, and arms ferociously, than with the final blow, punched Incineroar into the wall behind me, making a shape of Incineroars body in the wall

Incineroar return. I said, and got Incineroar back in his ball

Are we done here? The figure asked

No. I won't stop until I beat you, Ryoto. I repiled back

Infernape return. Ryoto said, getting Infernape back in its ball, than he jumped to the stairs, and began to make his way to the exit of the cave

Get back here! I yelled, than cased after him

"Now in the sandstorm, two hours later"

I was behind Ryoto, shielding my eyes from the powerful sand

I can't go on. I said to myself in my head, than fell on my knees, and passed out, my stomach on the sand

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