Chapter 171: Masters Eight Tournament! Part 2!

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"Picking up from last chapter"

Kommo-o and Tyrantrum glare, their Trainers smiling at one another

Ref: Begin!

Luna and Maya: Use Outrage!

Tyrantrum and Kommo-o's eyes glow red and they run to one another. They headbutt and continue to do so. Tyrantrum becomes confused

Luna: Return!

Luna gets Kommo-o back in its Pokéball and throws her second Pokéball, Luxray comes out and roars

Announcer: Luna's second Pokémon is Luxray!

Luxray: Ray!

"In the seats"

Gio: It's a shiny Luxray!

Natsu: Yeah! We haven't seen Luna's Luxray since the Kalos Elite Four Battle Royal!

Gio: Is it strong?

Natsu: Very!

"On the field"

Luna: Use Wild Charge!

Luxray: Ray!

Luxray runs with Wild Charge and hits Tyrantrum in the chin. Tyrantrum snaps out of its confusion

Maya: Use Dragon Tail!

Tyrantrum uses Dragon Tail, Luxray gets sent back into its Pokéball and Garchomp comes out of Luna's pocket

Garchomp: Gar!

"In the seats"

Gio: A shiny Garchomp!

Announcer: Luna's third Pokémon has been revealed to be her newest ace Pokémon, Garchomp! Garchomp has single handedly won every battle that got Luna through the Ultra Class and to her current rank of the top eight!

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Announcer: Luna's third Pokémon has been revealed to be her newest ace Pokémon, Garchomp! Garchomp has single handedly won every battle that got Luna through the Ultra Class and to her current rank of the top eight!

Natsu: It's super strong.

Rika: Yeah.

"On the field"

Maya: I had a feeling you'd use Garchomp in our battle. Use Outrage!

Luna: Dodge it!

Garchomp flies over Tyrantrum

Maya: Use Dragon Pulse!

Tyrantrum fires Dragon Pulse

Luna: Dodge it, and use Brick Break on its head!

Garchomp dodges, flies under Tyrantrum and hits it on the head with Brick Break. Tyrantrum falls down

Maya: Tyrantrum!

Ref: Tyrantrum is unable to battle! Garchomp wins!

The crowd cheers

Maya: Thank you, Tyrantrum. Get a good rest.

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