Chapter 136: Battling The Clone!

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"In Gara Laboratory meeting room"

Professor Gara: Gio, Natsu do you see this?

The monitor displays an island

Gio: What's that?

Natsu: Some kind of island?

Professor Gara: Yes. It's been giving off some powerful life energy, it may belong to a very powerful Legendary Pokémon.

Gio: Legendary Pokémon!

Natsu: I want to see it!

Professor Gara: Kris, I'll leave the rest to you.

Kris: Right. That island is called Cero Island, located in the far away sea. It's surrounded by cliffs to keep people from entering.

Natsu: I'm so psyched! Let's go!

Gio: Yeah!

"On Cero Island"

Natsu: We're finally here.

Gio: Let's go find that Pokémon.

Natsu and Gio place their life vets on their paddle boat

Tigra: Gra! Gra!

Natsu and Gio: Let's go!

They run through the path and reach the the top

Gio: So where should we start looking?

Natsu: Easy, we'll do what we always do. Follow me!

Natsu jumps down from one rock to the next

Gio: Wait up!

Gio follows. They reach a tree and a Mankey jumps down

Natsu: It's a Mankey!

Mankey leaps at them

Gio: Pokéball go!

Gio throws a Pokéball and hits Mankey. The Pokéball shakes three times and dings

Pokedéx: Mankey has been registered to your Pokedéx!

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Pokedéx: Mankey has been registered to your Pokedéx!

Gio: First catch of the day.

Natsu: Awesome.

Gio picks up the Pokéball

Tigra: Gra!

Natsu and Gio: Hug?

They look at the tree and many angry Mankey look at them

Natsu: Run!

They run away, the Mankey close behind. They reach a swamp and the Mankey leave

Gio: Why aren't they following us?

Natsu: Gio! It's quicksand!

They slowly sink

Gio: Hang on!

Gio gets out of the quicksand and lets Heracross out

Heracross: Cross!

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