Chapter 131: Oblivia In Despair! Part 1!

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"In Natsu and Gio's room"

Natsu and Gio: Rock, paper, scissors!

Natsu chooses scissors and Gio picks rock

Gio: I win.

Natsu: Dang it.

Gio: You lost, so you turn off the light.

Natsu gets out of bed and turns the light off. Natsu slowly walks past Monferno who sleeps on the couch. Tigra makes electricity spark to light up the room a bit

Natsu: Thanks buddy.

Tigra nods. A light shines from Natsu's bag and he checks it out

Natsu: What the? This is the Fusion Gauntlet I got from my uncle.

Natsu pulls out the glowing gauntlet and it stops glowing

"The next morning"

Professor Gara observes the gauntlet

Professor Gara: This is what Trainers in Oblivia use to fuse their Pokémon together right?

Natsu: Yeah.

Professor Gara: But there are mysteries about it that are still unknown.

Gio: Yeah, I've been wondering about it for a long time. Like why can they fuse in the first place?

Natsu: Good question.

Gio: And another thing. Can only two Pokémon fuse together? What happens if a Trainer catches a fused Pokémon? Do the Pokémon share one Pokéball or can only one stay inside?

Natsu: In that case, let's get to Oblivia!

Gio: Yeah!

"In Core Town, Obliva Region"

A woman and a man enter a room with many workers wearing lab coats

Man: What is going on? Why is there energy shooting out like this!?

Worker: We're so sorry sir!

Man: Reenforce that hanger now!

Worker: Understood!

Man: Chairwoman Lori, what are we to do if it breaks out?

Lori: Beautiful isn't it? All this power one Pokémon has. Soon it will all be worth it, when we can all live in a region that never changes.

Lori laughs maniacally

"On bullet train"

Natsu and Gio look out the window, a pizza between them on the table

Natsu: So where are we heading again?

Gio: A place called Shine City. An old friend of Professor Gara lives there, and he's also a Professor.

Natsu, Riolu, and Tigra each take a slice and eat it

Natsu: You just gonna sit there or are you and your Pokémon gonna eat?

Gio and his two Pokémon take the last three slices. The train stops as they finish eating

Conductor on PA system: Unfortunately due to some heavy fog we will be stopping here for a little while. Several car doors will be opening.

Many doors open

Gio: Guess we're stuck here for now.

Tigra: Tigr!

They look at the table and see a Bunnelby eating the crust

Gio: Ah!

Natsu: Ah!

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