Chapter 183: Natsu Versus Luna! Mega Garchomp Versus Mega Lucario! Semi Finals!

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"On the battlefield, taking place from last chapter"

Announcer: Luna has chosen her shiny Luxray! And Natsu has chosen Warzox!

Announcer: Luna has chosen her shiny Luxray! And Natsu has chosen Warzox!

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Luxray and Warzox appear on the montior under their Trainers pictures

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Luxray and Warzox appear on the montior under their Trainers pictures

Ref: Battle begin!

Luna: Hope you're ready, Natsu!

Natsu: Bring it!

Luna: Use Discharge!

Luxray: Ray!

Luxray sends a wave of electricity to Warzox

Natsu: Shield!

The fur on Warzox's back takes a dome like shape, and protects Warzox. Warzox makes its fur go back to normal, and smirks

Luna: Wild Charge!

Luxray: Ray!

Luxray runs using Wild Charge

Natsu: Dodge and use Brutal Swing!

Warzox jumps over Luxray, and throws a disc of fur. The disc hits Luxray and knocks it down

Natsu: War Strike!

Warzox makes two long blades of fur from its arms, and dives down. Warzox spins and hits Luxray into the wall to the side

Luna: Incredible!

Luxray lays on its side

Luxray: Ray.....

Ref: Luxray is unable to battle! Warzox wins!

The crowd cheers. Luxray's picture turns dark. Warzox lands on the field, its arm fur returns to its normal length

Announcer: This is why Warzox is one of the best Pokémon for both defense and offense strategies!

Luna: Luxray, thank you. Rest well.

Luna gets Luxray in its Pokéball, and takes out a Pokéball

Natsu: How'd you like our style?

Luna: It was impressive. But I want to see just how strong your Pokémon really are! Milotic, you're up!

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