Chapter 15: Jungle Battle. Viridian City Here We Come!

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Sora pov

Me and my friends were setting up camp in an field in Galar, but I only brought Weavile, Zangoose, Gengar, Starly, and Riolu. Alice brought Swellow, Wartortle, and Zigzagoon. Tom brought Mightyena, Electabuzz, and Charmeleon. Ryon brought Lycanroc, Treecko, and Noivern. Liana brought Magmar, Raichu, and Yamper. Karen brought her Lucario, Luxray, and Kingler. Zangoose was napping under a tree, Weavile was training with Gengar, Starly was flying around with Noivern, and Riolu was training with Lucario. Electabuzz was sparring with Magmar, Charmeleon sparring with Wartortle, and the others were napping too.

What are we doing here again? Tom asked, waking up from a nap in his tent

This field has some rare pokemon that Chloe asked for us to research. Alice replied, bringing back some pales of water from the river

Wea! I heard something say, than a shadow ball was launched at the pales of water

What the?! Ryon said, as a Weavile walked out of a bush

It's a wild Weavile. Karen said

Vile! My Weavile yelled, than ran up to and stood infront of everyone, glaring at the wild Weavile

Zangoose! Zangoose growled, walking behind the wild pokemon

Olu. Riolu growled, doing the same as Zangoose did, but on the right

Gar. Gengar snickered, coming out of the wild Weaviles shadow

Soras Weavile pov

Why did you attack my friends tent! I yelled

This is my terf, I am the leader of a pack of Sneasel on that side of the forest, and that girl took water from my packs river. He replied

Get lost or get hurt, your pick. Gengar said threateningly

Woooh! The wild Weavile howled, many Sneasel, and Weavile came from the forest then surrounded us and our trainers

What the?! Riolu yelled in shock of the number of Sneasel, and Weavile

You can either return the water, or we can take it by force. Weavile threatened

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We were all surrounded by Sneasel, and some wild Weavile

This isn't good. Tom said in fear

Magmar use fla! Liana was about to have Magmar use Flamethrower but I stopped her

Liana don't, if Magmar uses Flamethrower, it'll hit the trees, besides if we attack them they'll attack us. I said

Vile! The wild Weavile said, moving its paw at my Weavile

Wea. My Weavile said, and got into a fighting stance

Sora Weavile pov

Take this! I yelled, and threw a shadow ball at my foe

Pathetic, I guess kicking you out of the pack was a good thing after all. He responded, and destroyed it with metal claw

I ran up to him and used metal claw on his stomach, making him hit a tree behind Zangoose, after that he pushed off the tree with his feet off and sliced my face with metal claw

Sora pov

Weav! My Weavile yelled, getting a metal claw to the face, and knocked him into a pond

Weavile! I yelled, and ran to the pond, then jumping in to save him, and brought him out of the water, than layed him down on the grass

Vile. Weavile said coughing up some water, and ran back to the tents to see the Sneasels taking the water back to the river

 Weavile said coughing up some water, and ran back to the tents to see the Sneasels taking the water back to the river

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