Chapter 33: A Psychic Encounter, Santalune City Gym Battles

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Sora pov

We were all still on the road to Santalune City, for mine and Kuzas first Kalos gym battle. Dewott still by my side, Lucario by Kuzas, Bisharp by Toms, and Alices Linoone by her side.

Man I can't wait to see my parents. Tom said out of the blue

No you can't. you just want to eat the second you get in that house don't you? Alice

Well I can't wait for my first gym battle. Kuza said, than made a fist and looked up to the sky

Hey don't forget it's my first gym battle here too. I said to Kuza

Yeah yeah. Kuza said

"The bushes began to rattle and two small pokemon fell out from them"

Woah who are those pokemon? Kuza asked, and pulled out his phone

Woah who are those pokemon? Kuza asked, and pulled out his phone

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Esspurr, the restrain pokemon, a psychic pokemon. There's enough psychic power in Espurr to send a wrestler flying, but because this power can't be controlled, Espurr finds it troublesome. Kuzas phone said, and he put it away

Alright than, my first Kalos catch will be one of them. Kuza said, and his Lucario got infront of him

Linoone use Pin Missile. Alice said

Dewott Hydro Pump! I yelled

Our pokemon knocked them out

Go pokeball! We yelled, and threw curveballs

The Esspurr got hit on the heads by the balls and went in, the balls shook three times and chimmed

Esspurr will now be registered to your pokedex. Mine and Alices phones chimmed in our pockets

Alright! We cheered, than picked the balls up

Oh come on! Kuza yelled with complaint

Sorry Kuza, but I couldn't help myself. I said to Kuza

I can't resist catching a totally cute pokemon. Alice said

I'll this one slide as long you guys let me catch the next pokemon we meet. Kuza said

Ok, that's fine by me. I repiled, and attached my Esspurrs ball to my belt

Same here. Alice said, and placed her balk in her bag

Ok lets get them to a pokemon center. Tom said

Right. Me and Alice replied

"Now at a pokemon center in the city"

I'd like to report that all your pokemon are in perfect health. Nurse joy said, giving us all our pokemon, Dewott, Bisharp, Lucario, and Linoone jumping off a cart

Thank you very much. We all said and bowed

Esspurr come on out. Alice said, and let her Esspurr out

Purr. The Esspurr meowed

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