Chapter 22: Master Class Battle! 4 VS 5!

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Sora pov

We were all on our way to the Alola Regions pokemon leauge arena to watch Zanes dad battle someone of the big five

This should be good, a match between the worlds number four and someone else. Ren said with his arms crossed

This is an important match seeing as if Gou loses he switches ranks with the winner, and same for if he wins. Tom said

Zane is probably watching right now. I said

Greeting boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen to a ranked battle between two members of the big five. A blue Rotom drone said, floating above the center of the battle field

Yeah! Many fans cheered

Please give a big warm welcome to the Alola regions Gou who also the fourth ranked trainer! The drone yelled as Gou began walking to his small square of the field

We need to take notes on Gous battle strategy, after all there is a chance we'll battle him in the future. Ren said

Agreed. Ryon replied

And next up the trainer challenging Gou to this battle for his rank, Ryoto Koro! The drone yelled, and Ryoto made his way to his square

Been along time, Ryoto, if I remember correctly I mopped the floor with you five years ago, and it looks like you've grown a bit. Gou said

This won't be like how it was five years ago. Ryoto said, pointing at Gou with his right hand

Trainers, this is a one on one battle, please bring your pokemon out! The drone yelled

Incineroar go! Gou yelled, throwing his pokeball

Incineroar go! Gou yelled, throwing his pokeball

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Roar! Gous Incineroar roared

Infernape lets go! Ryoto yelled, throwing an pokeball to the field

Infernape lets go! Ryoto yelled, throwing an pokeball to the field

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Nape! Infernape roared, as the flame grew

One hit, lets do this! Both Gou and Ryoto yelles

Use Thunder Punch! Gou yelled

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