Chapter 99: A Hatching Of New Friends!

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"On a hill, days after last chapter"

Natsu sits on a rock looking at his badges with Riolu and Tigra. Clair plays with Axew, and Mick sits on another rock

Natsu: Just six more badges.

Tigra: Gra!

Riolu: Olu!

Axew: Axew! Axew, Axew, Axew, Axew!

Natsu: Huh?

Everyone turns around and sees the egg glowing

Natsu: Ah!

Mick: It's hatching!

Clair: What do we do!?

Natsu runs to the egg, and takes the cover off

Natsu: I can't wait to see what you are.

Natsu places the egg on a pillow

Axew: Ew!

The egg glows

Mick: It's hatching!

Natsu: Yes!

Clair: It's gonna be so cute!

The egg hatches

The egg hatches

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Mienfoo: Foo!

Mick: It's a Mienfoo!

Natsu: Mienfoo? Let's check it out.

Natsu aims his pokedex at Mienfoo

Pokedex: Mienfoo, The Martial Arts Pokémon, a Fighting type. In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing, continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they cut enemies.

Natsu: Wow. You definitely look like a Fighting type.

Mienfoo looks up at Natsu

Mienfoo: Mien?

Natsu: Hi there. I'm Natsu, nice to meet you.

Riolu walks to Mienfoo and shakes paws with it. Tigra does the same, both Riolu and Tigra smile

Mienfoo: Foo!

Mienfoo uppercuts both pokémon with Power Up Punch. Tigra and Riolu land on their backs

Mick: That was Power Up Punch!

Clair: Woah.

Natsu: Hey what'd you do that for? Do you want to battle?

Mienfoo nods quickly

Natsu: Alright. Riolu, battle Mienfoo as a welcome gift.

Riolu gets up and nods

Riolu: Olu!

Natsu: Lets see what moves you know.

Natsu aims his pokedex at Mienfoo

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