Chapter 30: Mighty Vermilions Vs Wyndon Strikers part 1

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Sora pov

The Alolan team lost two to zero, me and my friends were on our way to Wyndon for the finals of the world championship entries, on a plane.

After so much hard work we're finally going to battle in the finals. Ryon said happily

Five long months of training for the international tournament feels like it was just yesterday. Alice said

The second we get to Wyndon we need to start training. We can't afford to lose this match, we owe that much to the friends we made while in the tournament. I said

Your friend Kuza is a member of the Wyndon Strikers right? Tom asked

Yeah. Why? I asked

That means you know about his battle strategy, and you might as well tell us. Ren said

He doesn't really have a strategy for anything, he just goes with what his gut tells him. I repiled

Attention passengers please fasten your seat belts for we will be landing shortly. A flight attendant said into the pa system

Everyone has their Dynamax band right? Ren asked

Yup, haven't taken it off since I got it. Ryon eplied, holding his wrist out

Same here. I repiled

All of us but Luren, and Karen have one. Liana said

Alright than, we are allowed to Dynamax our pokemon, but only one of us can. Ren said

"Twenty minutes later we landed, than another hour went by and we arrived at our hotel room that the chairman got for us on the top floor"

Wow we get such a nice view of the city. Alice said with childhood wonder

 Alice said with childhood wonder

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It's so pretty. Liana said and took a picture with her phone

Guys we need to discuss a plan, and what pokemon we'll be using. Ren said

Well aren't the rules for the finals different than the other rounds? Ryon asked

Yes, all of us can battle. The first team to seven points wins, and we can use six pokemon. But only one pokemon can be sent out per battle. I said

I can't wait any longer, I'm so excited. Ryon said, clenching his fists

We should call Chloe and have her send over six pokemon to each of us. Luren said

Agreed. We all replied

Karen, why are you so quiet? Alice asked her

It's just, my brother has wanted nothing more but to battle the world champion, ever since he was five or whatever age I can remember of him being a child, has always watched Leons matches and even when my brother got bullied he got back up. Karen said

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