Chapter 14: Dreams And More Adventures

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Sora pov

It was late at night, we were all camping out in the pokemon park, asleep in our sleeping bags under the stars, our pokemon surrounding us, than I began seeing my past, I was in my old home, the one my father hurt me in, I was standing on nothing, staring at my old man in disgust, an empty bottle of whiskey and vodka on the ground by his bed

Woah who's that drunk? I heard Ryon say as he appeared next to me

The heck are you doing in my dream? I asked

Your dream, you're in my dream. Me and Ryon heard Alice say behind me

The hell is going on, I was dreaming about a free buffet? A sleepy Tom asked, appearing next to Ryon

I can never get one peaceful dream? Liana said appearing next to Alice

I sense something dark. A drowsy Karen said as she appeared next to Tom

Why are you all in my head? I asked angrily, than my old man got out of his bed, and made his way to my room

Sora what is this? Karen asked

A nightmare, but a real one. I answered her, as my bastard dad swung his empty bottle at my back

Get up you piece of trash! My father yelled, hung over, as I cried from the blow to my back

Why do you hate me? The four year old me asked, blood getting on the sheets of my childhood bed

Go to the market and steal some food. The bastard said

But that's illegal. Four year old me said

Do it or you go in the cupboard again. My dad said than walked over to the kitchen to grab another beer, and play sudoku

The young me put on a black hoodie, black shorts, and white sneakers, then ran out the front door to steal food

Sora, is that you? Karen asked, covering her mouth with her hands, tears going down her face

That was me. I answered her as I watched my old man drink his beer, a ciggerate in his mouth, and play sudoku

Why is he so angry? Alice asked, crying

Well if I had to say right now, it's either the hang over or the sodoku, he's got two nines in the same row. I repiled, my hands in my pockets

Was he always like this. Tom asked

No, before me birth mum died in a car crash, me and the bastard were close. I repiled in my Galarian accent

What is with the accent? Ryon asked with a smug grin

Me mum and dad are from Galar, I was born in Kalos. I repiled

Ryon this isn't an appropriate time to be talking like that. Liana scolded him

Liana it's fine. I said

About a few minutes later the younger me came back with five bags of food

Good work, take four loafs of bread or four things of fruit and bugger off. The bastard said, than the younger me did that but one apple fell onto the floor, my old man put out his ciggerate, finished his bottle of beer, broke it against my arm, than shoved me in a cupboard, as I cried and begged for him to stop

How can someone do this to their own child. Liana said crying on her knees

Me mum was everything to him, when she was killed in a car crash, he blamed it on me, he blamed me for their financial situation, how they had to give the hospital I was born in money, how they had to add me to the health care plan how I was the reason they were losing money. I said

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