Chapter 11: Training Day Part 1!

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Sora pov

We were on a boat to an island for training, Tom kept his head over the edge of the boat, Alice patting his back, Ryon laying down on a cushioned built in couch with his headphones in, Liana was watching TV in the cabin. Gengar, Mienfoo, Raboot, and Riolu were out of there poke balls playing together, Tyranitar and Krookodile soaking up the sun

We'll be there soon! Yelled the captain, as the blue sky faded and gray clouds took over

Krookodile, Tyranitar return. I said getting them back in their poke balls

How much longer so I can be first off this boat? Tom asked

About twenty minutes. The captain replied

Tom has now thrown up

You usually don't ever throw up when you're on a vehicle. Alice said

I think it's the air. Tom replied

Twenty minutes later we arrived at the docks, and Tom was the first one off the boat

Twenty minutes later we arrived at the docks, and Tom was the first one off the boat

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Yes dry land! Tom yelled, kissing the ground

I'll be back in four days to bring you back to Vermilion City. The captain said and took off

So where is this person who says they'll train us? Ryon asked yawning

I don't know but they better get here soon. Liana said

Olu! Riolu yelled looking up

What is it Riolu? I asked walking over to him

Um Sora look. Alice said scared

I looked up and sawing a glaring Dragonite

It's a Dragonite! Ryon yelled

I pulled out my phone and it said, Dragonite the dragon pokemon, a dragon and flying type, it flies over raging seas as if they were nothing. Observing this, a ship's captain dubbed this Pokemon the sea incarnate.

I than put my phone away as someone jumped off the Dragonites back, than landed behind us

So you're the lots I'll be training for the next three days. Asked the voice as we turned around

You're. Liana said

Sakyo. Ryon said

Fang! Tom said finishing the sentence

That's right, and if any of you put up a crap fight I'll toss you into the sea! Sakyo yelled, than crossed his arms

Rude. Alice grumbled

Alright take all your pokemon out of their poke balls. Sakyo said

Krookodile, Tyranitar come on out! I yelled holding my hands out

Krookodile, Treecko, Lycanroc come on out. Ryon said extending his hands, and letting his pokemon out

Electabuzz, Mightyena, Charmeleon, Ditto come on out! Tom yelled throwing his poke balls up

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