Chapter 34: Battle Chateau!

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Sora pov

Hey how much longer until the battle Castle? I asked

Just up there! Tom yelled, making me look straight ahead

Just up there! Tom yelled, making me look straight ahead

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Finally, my first frontier challenge! I yelled with joy

Wait you were serious about doing the battle frontier? Kuza asked me

Yup, and I plan to win it all. Just like I plan to win the Kalos League. I repiled, than ran over to the building, with Dewott right behind

"After throwing the doors open"

My name is Sora Winters, and I'm here to challenge the frontier brain! I yelled into the building

I'm afraid to burst your bubble, young man, but this is also the Battle Chateau. You can only challenge the Frontier Brain at the rank of grand duke. A man, I could only presume to be the bulter, said with a hand over his stomach and a towel around it

Jarvis calm down, you know I don't like it when you are rude to people who wish to challenge me. A deep voice said

But sir. The butler named Jarvis said

But nothing, if the kid wants to challenge me, let him. The man said

Sora! My friends yelled, as they got behind me

You guys are slow. I said to them

Don't leave us like that. Alice said

Dew. Dewott snickered

So your name is Sora? The man asked

Yes, I challenge you for my first frontier symbol. I said

Alright, the name's Jason Run. Jason said, pointing his thumb at himself

 Jason said, pointing his thumb at himself

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Lets do this. I said

Before we battle, how many pokemon would you like me to use? I have six on me right now. Jason said

I only have three pokemon on me, so lets make this a three on three. I repiled

Alright than, lets go to the field out back. Jason said, than i followed him

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