Chapter 153: Natsu Vs Liza! Ultra Class Battle!

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"In an elevator, in the Lumiose City Gym"

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"In an elevator, in the Lumiose City Gym"

Natsu and Liza stand next to one another as the elevator goes up

Liza: Natsu, I can't tell you how glad I am to battle you.

Natsu: Same here. This will be our first actual battle.

Liza: The last time we met, Taylor battled in your place.

Natsu: And that battle ended in a draw. But, I'm winning this battle. Not just for me, but also for Taylor.

Natsu throws his arm up, his Z Ring on it

Liza: That's a Z Ring right? And on it is an Electrium Z?

The Electrium Z is in the shape of Tigra's tail

Natsu: Yeah. I got it from a former kahuna on my journey in Unova. This Z Crystal let's me and Tigra use our own special Z Move.

Tigra hops onto Natsu's shoulder

Tigra: Gra!

The elevator stops, they step out, two halls behind them

Liza: May the better trainer win.

Natsu: Like wise.

They shake hands

"On the battlefield"

All the seats are filled

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All the seats are filled. Gio and Grookey sit in the front row

Gio: Wow, it's a packed house.

Announcer: Welcome one and all to this Ultra Class battle! The Trainers battling today is between our Lumiose City Gym Leader Liza who is ranked twenty six!

Liza takes her place, the crowd cheers

Gio: Makes sense everyone would cheer for their Gym Leader.

Announcer: And her opponent, who just recently made it into the Ultra Class, ranked ninety ninth, the Lumiose Cup Champion! Natsu Winters!

Natsu takes his place, no one claps

Gio: Tough crowd.

A Rotom Drone flies over the battlefield

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