Chapter 8: Wyndon

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We were all on a plane to the Galar region to watch the World Championship finals, my uncle Xavion has held his title since he defeated Leon so every trainer worldwide has been training really hard to reach his level of strength

Sora pov

Scorrbunny, Tyranitar, and Sneasel were in their poke balls. Alices Squirtel was on her leg, her taillow on her shoulder, sleeping. Tom had his Elekid on his leg, Charmander in its ball because of Cabin pressure. Ryons Treecko in the overhead bin taking a napping, and Lianas Raichu resting in her lap as her Feraligatr was in its poke ball

Attention everyone we will be landing in the Galar Airport in twenty minutes so please fasten your seat belts and return your pokemon to their poke balls. The piolt said through an intercome and everyone returned their pokemon to their poke balls

Now infront of the stadium, my mouth fell a gap

Now infront of the stadium, my mouth fell a gap

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It's so big. I said

Well come on I want to get good seats. Ryon said with his Treecko on his shoulder and Lycanroc by his side

My Scorrbunny was my right shoulder and Sneasel on my left

Alices pokemon were on her shoulders to

Tom held Charmander with his Elekid on his shoulders, waving its right arm with a smile

Lianas Raichu was on her shoulder

We walked into the Stadium and were lucky enough to get front row seats, than the lights went off, shocking many people

Welcome everyone loves and mates, lads and lassies, to the pokemon world championship finals. Said a blue rotom drone flying to the center of the battle field

It's starting. Alice squeeled quietly while holding my shirt in her fists, shaking me back in forth

Please stop. I begged, she let go and apologized

Someone began walking onto the field from the left side

This trainer ranked first in Kalos five times in a row without substituting his first pokemon, he is the second ranked trainer in the world, everyone please welcome Sakyo Fang! The drone yelled as Sakyo took his place in the field with a smile

Everyone began cheering his name, many saying good luck, you got this in the bag, show us what you got, and other encouraging things but Sakyo paid no attention to them

Next up is the current world champion, who has never lost a single battle, a former Kalos king, a man who has never lost an exhibition or pratcie battle, Xavion! The drone yelled as my uncle started walking onto the field

YOU GOT THIS UNCLE! I yelled and he must have heard me cause he smiled in my direction and gave me a thumbs up

Wait he's your uncle! Liana yelled shocked

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