Chapter 60: Sinnoh League Finals, A Rocky Friendship, and A Dark Friend

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Nathan pov

Me and Lindsey are in Sinnoh for a few days, her mom got us finals tickets to watch the league. We were in the front row, sonce we were the first to arrive

Greetings trainers. Welcome to the Sinnoh League Finals, here in Lily of the Valley. The rules are simple, each side will use six pokemon, and they may substitute pokemon freely. When either trainers six pokemon are unable to battle, the winner will be crowned champion. The drone said, and a big scoreboard projected from its camera lense with the trainers faces appeared with six pokeballs

These trainer are fierce, powerful, and are very well respected in the Ultra Class. Please give a big round of applause to Yuki Karatashi! The drone yelled, as all girls squeeled, but Lindsey

 Please give a big round of applause to Yuki Karatashi! The drone yelled, as all girls squeeled, but Lindsey

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And his oppenent, Carly Taraka! The drone yelled, as she took her spot on the field, and the crowd cheered

And his oppenent, Carly Taraka! The drone yelled, as she took her spot on the field, and the crowd cheered

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Hope you brought your a game, you're gonna need it. Yuki said

Smack talk won't get you anywhere. I'm gonna win and then become the strongest in the world. Carly replied

Please bring out your first pokemon! The drone yelled

Go! They yelled at the same time, and threw their first pokeballs

Aggron! Carlys Aggron roared

Gallade! Yukis Gallade roared

Battle start! The drone yelled

Use Giga Impact! Carly yelled

Aggron turned yellow, and charged at Gallade

Use Protect, then Ice Punch! Yuki yelled

Gallade made a green shield, blocking the Giga Impact, but still being pushed back

Now jump, and hit it! Yuki yelled

Gallade jumped up, landed on Aggrons head, and punched it with a fidt of ice

Now use Close Combat! Yuki yelled

Gallade slid down Aggrons back, and started punching and kicking its back

Gron! Aggron roared in pain, then fell onto its stomach

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