Chapter 97: Fiery Friend!

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"In a grass field"

Natsu, and Mick sit at a tree stump. Clair walks over with a basket of fruit

Clair: Ok everyone, let's dig in. These are the freshest fruits I could find.

Natsu: Down the hatch.

Natsu, Riolu and Tigra each grab an apple and before they bite down into them, Mick swipes them away

Riolu: Olu?

Tigra: Ti?

Natsu: Where'd they'd go?

Mick: I'd like to make these taste even better.

Natsu: Oh come on dude. I'm starving.

Clair: Me too.

"Minutes later"

Mick stands at a grill with the fruit cooking on it. Natsu and Clair sit on foldable chairs at a foldable table

Natsu: Is it almost ready?

Mick: Funny you should ask that. They are.

Mick sets a plate of the cooked fruit on the table

Mick: I made fruit muffins and cakes.

Natsu: It smelld so good. Thanks for the food.

Natsu, Tigra and Riolu each grab one and bite into them

Natsu: So sweet.

Clair and Axew take two and bite into them

Clair: So good.

Axew: Ax, Axew.

Oshawott, Snivy, and Pidove come out of their pokeballs and take the last three

Natsu: Aw man. We're all out.

Mick: There's plenty so help yourself to seconds.

Natsu: Alright!

Natsu gets up, and walks to the grill

Natsu: Thought you said there was seconds.

Mick: I did.

Mick and Clair walk over

Clair: Where is the food!?

Mick: We have a theif!

The grass shakes

Natsu: Riolu let's go check it out.

Riolu: Olu!

Natsu: Snivy, Oshawott, Pidove return.

Natsu gets pokémon back in their balls, then he and Riolu run into the grass. Minutes later they crawl into a small clearing and see a Tepig eat the last cooked apple

Tepig: Pig, Pig, Pig, Tep.

Natsu: Hey that's a Tepig. One of the three starter pokémon in Unova.

Natsu aims his pokedex at Tepig

Natsu aims his pokedex at Tepig

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