Chapter 125: The Powerful Warrior!

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"In Saffron City fighting dojo, a week after last chapter"

Riolu fights both a Hitmonlee, and Hitmonchan

Natsu: That's the way!

Trainer: Good movements.

Natsu: Yup. We've been on a huge roll and we're gonna win everything.

Trainer: Well there isn't a strategy in the world that can defeat our Master.

Natsu: Can I battle the Master?

Trainer: Well he's actually battling right now. He just accepted a new challenger.

Natsu: Aw man.

Trainer: It should be over soon. The Master is unbeatable.

Gio looks at both Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan

Natsu: Still can't decide?

Gio: Hitmonchan has powerful punches, and Hitmonlee has powerful kicks. Are you sure I can only choose one?

Trainer: That's the rule. Sorry.

Gio: Aw man.

Rotom Phone: There is a Pokémon Royal Cup Trainer nearby.

Natsu: Yes!

Trainer: That would have to be the challenger battling the Master.

Natsu: I wanna see them!

They step up to the door, and a Hitmonchan goes through them, landing on the stairs

Master: Hitmonchan no!

???: Thank you for battle.

Cresilix goes invisible in Gio's shoulder. The Master runs to his Hitmonchan

Master: You battled with great honor, now get some rest.

He gets Hitmonchan back in its ball

The trainers phone chimes

Rotom Phone: A battle challenge has been issued. Do you wish to accept or reject it?

???: Eight hundred ninety.

Natsu: Seven hundred fifty one.

???: Who are you?

Natsu: My name is Natsu Winters, I'm from Melemele Island. Will you battle me?

???: The former World Champions son. I am Kyuta, I come from the Galar Region, and I accept your challenge.

 I am Kyuta, I come from the Galar Region, and I accept your challenge

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Rotom Phones: An official battle has been registered.

Natsu: Nice.

Kyuta: Master, may we battle here?

Master: Yes. I don't mind at all.

Natsu and Gio take their shoes off. Kyuta walks to the other side of the battlefield, and Natsu takes his spot

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