Chapter 126: Search For An Electric Type!

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"In Gara Park"

All Pokémon move around, play, train, and sleep

Natsu: Things sure are getting lively around here.

Gio: Yup!

Natsu: You are gonna catch more right?

Gio: You bet.

Natsu: Who are you gonna catch next?

Gio: The next Pokémon I see.

Natsu: Figured as much.

Gio: So where's Riolu? It's always ny your side.

Natsu: Riolu and Foxsye are in the rocky area of the park doing some training.

Gio: Makes sense. They didn't really do any damage to Kyuta's Pokémon.

Natsu: Next time we see him, we aren't losing no matter what.

Kris: Hey, you two!

They look up

Kris: I brought some snacks. I'll leave them in the lunch room so enjoy!

Natsu and Gio: Thanks!

"At the lunch room"

They eat sweets

Natsu: So good!

Gio: Yeah!

Monferno spilts its food witu Cresilix

Natsu: Here you go, buddy.

Natsu gives some to Tigra

Tigra: Gra!

Gio: It's amazing how you two are such great friends.

Natsu: Tigra and I are practically like brothers.

Gio: I got it!

Natsu: What?

Gio: I'm gonna catch a Tigra!

Natsu and Tigra spit their food out

Natsu: What!?

Gio: If I'm gonna complete the Pokedéx, then I have to catch a Tigra.

Natsu: I guess you're right.

"In the meeting room"

Gio scrolls his phone on Tigra sightings

Gio: They're hard to find.

Natsu: That's because you're looking in Sinnoh. Tigra aren't from here.

Gio: Huh?

Professor Gara enters

Professor Gara: Natsu is right. Tigra were originally discovered in Kalos, and later found in Alola.

Gio: I see.

Natsu: Also, listen to this.

Natsu pulls up Tigra's data

Natsu pulls up Tigra's data

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