Chapter 61: A Chilling Friend

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Nathan pov

I was currently asleep, having a nice dream, until Lindsey woke me up

What? We don't go anywhere today so let me sleep. I whinned

Some of my friends are coming overfor a sleep over. Lindsey said, still in her pajamas

They're coming over this early? I asked

It's ten a.m, get out of bed. Lindsey replied

Don't tell me what to do. I said, than I couldn't feel my bed, as I shut my eyes while sitting up

Why are you floating? Lindsey

What? I asked, and looked down

What! I yelled with fear, than got slammed into the ceiling, and fell on the carpet in the middle of the room

Are you ok!? Lindsey asked, and held my head up

Ow. I said in pain

Raboo! Raboot growled, and jumped into the air

Ar! A voice roared, and what happened to me, happened to Raboot, and it landed on my stomach hard

Ow. I said in even more pain

What happened!? Liana asked, aftering running into the room

Nathan started floating, than hit the ceiling and fell onto the carpet. Same with Raboot. Lindsey said

Why me? I didn't do anything. I said

Sounds like it's back. Liana said with a smile

What's back? I asked

The Gengar that comes here every few years. She replied

Gengar? I asked

Gengar, the shadow pokemon, a ghost and poison type. You can hear tales told all over the world about how Gengar will pay a visit to children who are naughty. Gengar absorb the heat around it, making the temperature drop. It can also pass through dimensions. I heard my phone say on my bed

Why attack me? I asked

This Gengar likes to pull alot of pranks. He just can't stop himself. Liana replied

How do you know this Gengar? I asked, and got up on my feet, Raboot in my arms

The last time I saw this Gengar was around when I was seven monthes pregnant. He must have seen that pranks he was pulling could harm the baby, and hasn't pulled pranks since than, or come here. He first appeared after me and Ryon came back from Galar, after the World Championship Entry Tournament. Liana said

Again why me? I asked

He likes to pick a random target for pranks. Liana replied with smile, then started floating

I think he's done with me. I replied

What? Liana asked

Mom, you're floating. Lindsey said

Oh no. Liana said, and started rolling

Someone help! Liana cried, as me and Lindsey laughed

Looks like he missed you. Lindsey said

Help! Liana cried

Hey Gengar! I'm the person who was inside her stomach all those years ago, I'd like to meet you! Lindsey yelled, and Liana stopped rolling, and stood on her feet

Gar? The Gengar said, standing next to Liana

Hi there Gengar. It's nice to meet you. Lindsey said

Gen. Gengar replied, his eyes glowing purple, and lifted Lindsey into the air

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