Chapter 135: The Meeting!

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"Gara Fields"

Natsu runs away from Tenka

Natsu: Why!?

Tenka: C'mon, Brother! Why deny it!

Natsu and Tenka run past Gio and Blake

Blake: Is he gonna be here everyday?

Gio: I honestly don't know.

Natsu: Like I said the first time, I wasn't thinking straight!

Tenka: But we get along great! We like the same kind of opponents!

Natsu: Everyone likes strong opponents!

Natsu jumps and grabs a branch, and swings over the large river

Natsu: What you got now?

Tenka jumps the river

Natsu: Crud!

Natsu runs, and Tenka grabs his shoulder

Tenka: Gotcha!

Natsu: What do you want now?

Tenka: Simple, I want a battle!

Natsu: That's it?

Tenka: Correct.

Natsu: Okay.

They step away from eachother

Natsu: Foxsye, let's go!

Foxsye jumps out of a tree and stands infront of Natsu

Foxsye: Fo!

Tenka: Cinderace, come on!

Cinderace jumps and lands infront of Foxsye

Cinderace: Derace!

Gio and Blake watch from the entrance

Blake: Tenka sure is a strange one.

Gio: And I here I thought Natsu was stranger.

Foxsye and Cinderace begin to battle

Blake: They're really going at it.

Gio: Yup.

Foxsye hits Cinderace into a tree

Natsu: We win!

Tenka: Amazing! Again!

Natsu: Okay. Foxsye, go and train.

Foxsye nods and jumps away

Tenka: Cinderace, go and rest.

Cinderace gets up and walks away

Natsu: Noivern, come over!

Noivern flies over and tackles Natsu

Natsu: Hahahaha

Tenka: Just as I'd expect from your Pokémon. Salamence, go!

Tenka throws a Pokéball and a Salamence comes out

Salamence: Sala!

Natsu: Use Dragon Claw!

Tenka: Dragon Tail!

Noivern and Salamence take off into the air and clash, the wind from the impact reaches Gio and Blake

Blake: They aren't holding back.

Gio: Nope.

Natsu: Use Dragon Claw!

Tenka: Dragon Rush!

Salamence and Noivern collide, then land in the water

Natsu and Tenka: Return.

They get their Pokémon back in their Pokéballs

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