Chapter 48: Let Cheifs Be Cheifs!

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Sora pov

We were on path to Ninja Village, sight of my seventh frontier symbol, and Kuzas eighth badge. Dewott by my side, and Meowstic on my shoulder. Alices Meowstic was on her shoulder as well. Pikachu was on Kuzas shoulder, Trish holding his hand. Bisharp by Toms side

I can't wait for my final badge. Kuza said

I can't wait for my seventh symbol. I repiled

I wonder what kind of gym the Ninja Village has? Alice said

The Ninja Village gym is a multi type. A voice said

Meow! My Meowstic growled, and threw an Energy Ball at a near by tree, then a two figures jumped out before the attack landed

So he sensed me. Not bad. The figure said, now standing infront of us, a hood covering his face, and a pokemon beside him

Who's that pokemon? I asked, and took out my phone

Greninja, the ninja pokemon, a water and dark type, and the final evolved form of Froakie

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Greninja, the ninja pokemon, a water and dark type, and the final evolved form of Froakie. It appears and vanishes with a ninja's grace. It toys with its enemies using swift movements, while slicing them with throwing stars of sharpest water. My phone said and I put it away

What do you want? Tom asked, his Bisharp standing infront of us, ready to attack

I was told to bring this to Sora Winters. The hooded figure said, and presented me a box with a ribbon

What's in the box? I asked

This. He replied, and opened it

 He replied, and opened it

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It's a mega stone. Alice said with shock

It's a Lucarionite. Give this to a Lucario and it can Mega Evolve. The man said, and placed the box on the ground gently, then he and his Greninja vanished in a puff of smoke

I walked up to the box, picked up the Lucarionite embedded into the armband

I like how it's blue. I said, and placed it back in the box and then in my bag

Lucky. Kuza whinned

This for you, Kuza. The same voice said, and a stone fell at my feet

Pika! I heard Pikachu cheer, she got infront of me and touched the stone

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