Chapter 80: Akio's Rage!

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Nate, Crystal, and Lycanroc walk down the street. Nates arms behind his head, the sun setting

Nate: That was fun! So many strong trainers.

Crystal: Maya lost, so it's no wonder everyone wanted to battle you.

Nate: On another good note, karma got her.

They all see Kaya leaning on a lamp post

Kaya: So I was right. You do live here.

Nate: What do you want? Another loss?

Kaya throws a paper airplane, and Nate catches it

Kaya: Be at the grand arena in an hour. My big brother is gonna teach you a lesson!

Kaya runs off

Nate opens the paper airplane up and reads its contents, Crystal reading over his shoulder

Crystal: Woah you've been challenged by Akio.

Nate: You said he hasn't shown his face since he lost to Striker right?

Crystal: Yeah.

Rebecca walks over

Rebecca: What's up?

Crystal: Nate here beat Maya in a battle, and Akio wants revenge.

Rebecca: Nate you can't show up to that battle. You'll only get Lycanroc hurt.

Nate: Is Akio really that strong?

Rebecca: Yes! So don't go!

Nate: I don't ignore challenges. So I'll go.

Crystal: Looks like I'm going too.

Rebecca: Same.

Nate: Why though?

Rebecca: So when you lose I can say "I told you so."

Nate: A little rude.

Crystal: I'm going just to see how Akio battles in person.

Nate: Well let's go.

"At the arena"

Nate: So this is where the Oblivia League is held?

Crystal: Every city in Oblivia has a grand arena for the league

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Crystal: Every city in Oblivia has a grand arena for the league. This way the construction workers don't have to build it over and over again.

Nate: So why is there one on the water?

Rebecca: That's being torn down. Last year there was a big earth quake that destroyed one of the main support beams under it.

Nate: Can't they just repair it?

Crystal: It's underneath the damn thing! It can't be fixed without it crumbling down!

Nate: Aw, man.

Akio and Maya enter

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