Chapter 35: Cyllage City Gym!

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Sora pov, on a beach

Ok, Dewott use Razor Shell, Esspurr use Scracht. I yelled to my pokemon

The two charged at one another, Dewott holding one scalchop as a sword, Esspurr with its claws out, both running on the sand, when the two met they sliced one another, their backs facing eachother

Es. Esspurr winced, than got on knee

Dew. Dewott snickered, and put his scalchop back on the side of his leg

Fletchling use Steel Wing on the rocks, Piplup use Water Gun! I heard Kuza yell

Fletchling cut through multiple rocks, and Piplup sent them into the sea

Man you guys are giving it everything you've got. Alice said, sitting up on her towel, with blue bathing suit on instead of the green one from yesterday, and under an umbrella, Esspurr laying on the sand with Linoone

And you're just loving the warm breeze. I said

Well that's because, I don't have train, me and my pokemon can relax. Alice replied, and layed back down

That's like when someone says instead of training, lets go shopping instead, which is your favorite thing. Tom said, sitting on a rock with Bisharp

And when someone says "you've had enough to eat" you just say "give me more food, I can handle". Alice said, trying to do his voice, and getting all of us to laugh

That isn't funny. Tom replied

Chim. Chimchar said, and pulled my pant leg

What's up? I asked him, than got on one knee

Char. Chimchar replied, and pointed to his stomach

Oh you must be hungry, hang on. I said, than got up, went to my bag, and pulled out some cold Moomoo milk

You're going to give Chimchar cold milk? Kuza asked

Nope. Litleo use Ember but gently. I said on one knee, holding the bottle near Litleo

Leo. Litleo replied, and shot tiny bits of fire on the glass bottle, making it hotter

Ok that's enough. I said, and Litleo closed its mouth

Didn't you give Chimchar cold Moomoo milk last night? Alice asked

Yes, but surprisingly he still drank it. I repiled, than got a bowl from my bag, and poured the bottle in it

It's possible Chimchar heated the milk up in his stomach. Tom said

I guess so. Chimchar come and get it. I said, as Chimchar ran over to me, and started licking the milk

You have to admit he is really cute. Alice said, and reached her hand over to scratch Chimchars head

Char. Chimchar replied, looking at Alice

Awe. Alice said back

Kuza lets get back to training. I said to my Sinnoh Rival

Right. Kuza replied

Dour Houndour. Houndour said, standing infront of me, looking me in the eyes

You want to train too? I asked him

Dou. Houndour replied

Ok than, use Flamethrower at the ocean. I said

Houndour! Houndour roared, the flames making steam rise up

Now that is one powerful fire type. Kuza said, and took a step back

Agreed. Tom said

Chim Chimchar. Chimchar said to me, making me look down

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