Chapter 70: Let The Training Begin!

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One week after last chapter

"In the Potbottom Desert"

Nate: Brick Break!

Gwen: Aqua Tail!

Water surrounds Cresilix tail, and Kubfu chops it with hand, sand blows in every direction

Nate: Focus Blast!

Gwen: Use Protect!

Kubfu jumps into the air and throws Focus Blast, Cresilix blocks it with a green shield

Nate: Iron Head!

Gwen: Water Gun!

The top of Kubfus head turns into steel, and dives down at Cresilix. Cresilix shoots water from its mouth, hitting Kubfu back into the air

Nate: Focus Blast!

Kubfu throws Focus Blast and hits Cresilix onto its back

Robin: Cresilix is unable to battle. Kubfu wins. Now can we get out of this sandstorm!? I can barely see!

Kubfu lands on Nates shoulder

Nate: Yeah!

Gwen gets Cresilix back in its ball, and runs to the tunnel

Robin: Of course she can't wait for us! Come on!

Nate and Robin follow after Gwen

"At the exit to the tunnel, rain falls hard as Robin, Nate, and Gwen watch while sitting on flat rocks"

Gwen: Just perfect. Not only do I have sand in my hair, but I can't wash it out with shampoo the second our battle is over.

Robin: Oh get over it.

Robin shakes his head back forth, all the sand in his hair goes everywhere

Gwen: Really?

Nate: Ha.

Gwen: I'll-

Nate: Punch my teeth out? Don't say you'll do something unless you know you will do it.

Gwen: One of these days I will.

Nate: Uh-huh.

Robin: Max would say very similar stuff like that to Striker when we were younger.

Nate: What?

Gwen: How far back do you three go?

Robin: Max and I were already living here before Striker even showed up. Seeing as though Ryoto just left her here when she was four, and I was abandoned on the door step.

Nate: Woah.

Robin: Me and Max would fight pretty much all day, and run through the forest playing tag. When Striker showed up, she pretty much fell head over heels for him, dyed different parts of her hair to get his attention.

Gwen: Aww.

Nate: I don't get it?

Gwen/Robin: How dense are you?

Nate: Hey!

Robin: Anyway, she dyed her hair about a week after Striker showed up, even dragged him into the forest so we could all play hide and seek, he'd always find us in five minutes, and was the best hider.

Gwen: I'm guessing you're jealous of him.

Robin: Kind of. He was better a finder and hider then me, but was always quiet around us except for Leon and Sonia.

Nate: There a point to this?

Robin: In a way, Gwen reminds me of Max, and Nate reminds me of Striker. Easy enough to understand?

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