Chapter 10: A Trip To Home

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Sora pov

We were on a flight to the Unova Region, I was wearing my kilt from when we first got to Kanto, dark blue sneakers, black baggy pants, and sleeveless black hoodie. Riolu and Raboot were on my lap, I was looking out the window, Tom in the isle seat, Ryon in the middle seat, his headphones weren't on and he was tapping his foot on the ground with alot of impatience

The girls were in the row next us, on their phones and talking about shoes or whatever

Attention passengers we will be landing
In Lentimas Town shortly, please fasten your seatbelts. The captain said into the intercom and everyone on the plane put their seatbelts on

About an hour later we arrived in the town, it was empty, some people went came out of the pokemon center than left through the entrance of the town

What is this place? Liana asked

This was my home, before I left it when I was three. Ryon said with his hands in his pocket

Why'd you leave? Alice asked

Child protective services. Ryon said, than began walking

Hey you shouldn't be here, the gang will mess you up. I heard a familiar voice say on roof top

Don't care, this was my home and I'm going to fix it. Ryon said, not paying attention to the boy

Why do you keep following us Lane? I asked getting angry

Don't you remember what I said when we first met, I said I was born in the Unova Region, so I have every right to be in my stomping grounds. Lane said walking away on the roof top

We than caught up to Ryon

Ryon take it easy bro. Tom said

Mm. Ryon grunted than took a right down some stairs that said do not trespass or else

We walked down about four flights of stairs

Hey didn't you read the sign on the first stair case, do not trespass or else. One gang member said, grabbing a poke ball

Yea, now you got to pay or get beaten up. The other memeber said

They were both wearing black clothing, and had mohawks, they also wore black eyeliner

Move or I move you. Ryon said in a threating voice, his hands balled up into fists

Them is fighting words right there. One of them said, and they both pulled their arms back

Lycanroc stone edge! Ryon yelled letting Lycanroc out of its ball

Once the attack was called out, the two gang members were knocked out cold, they were also protecting a door but that was knocked off its hinges when stone edge hit it

Where is the leader of your gang losers. Ryon said angrily as he walked in the room

It had a rocky battle field, and damaged drones that rotoms go into

That'd me, who is asking. A white haired girl said walking onto the field

 A white haired girl said walking onto the field

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