Chapter 155: Hunt For The Lucarionite!

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"In Shalour City Gym"

Hannah and Lucario battle against a trainer with a Frogadier

Hannah: Let's go, Lucario!

Lucario: Rio!

Hannah: This bond we share, let's show them how strong it is! Mega Evolution!

Hannah touches her Key Stone, and her Lucario mega evolves. Natsu, Gio, Tigra, Grookey, and Natsu's Lucario watch from a safe distance

Natsu: This is it!

Natsu's Lucario nods

Trainer: No way we're giving up! Use Water Pulse!

Frogadier jumps up with a ball of water, and dives down

Hannah: Aura Sphere!

Mega Lucario hits Frogadier into the wall behind its trainer, and it doesn't get up

Trainer: What!?

Phillip: That's it! The battle is over! The winner is my student, Hannah!

Trainer: No!

Hannah: Yeah!

Natsu: Hannah!

Hannah and her Lucario look up to the sidelines and see Natsu and the others

Hannah: Natsu!

Natsu: That was a great fight! Lucario, that's our key to getting stronger.

Tigra: Gra!

Natsu's Lucario nods. The trainer and his Frogadier leave. Natsu, Gio, and Lucario walk over to Hannah, her Lucario, and Phillip

Natsu: You two are as strong as ever.

Hannah circles around them

Gio: That was such a cool battle!

Hannah: Thanks!

Phillip: Gio, are you still catching Pokémon?

Gio: You know it.

Phillip: That's what I thought. Natsu, congratulations on making it into the Ultra Class.

Natsu: Thanks Phillip. I was disappointed that you didn't enter the Royal Cup. I really wanted a rematch against you.

Phillip: Sorry.

Hannah: I guess we have to get stronger.

Hannah's Lucario nods

Natsu: Hannah, I wanna Mega Evolve my Lucario! Then win my way into the Master Class!

Natsu's Lucario looks at Hannah's, and remembers how its Mega Evolution fought Noivern. Hannah places her hand on Natsu's Lucario's shoulder

Hannah: Look at you! You've gotten even stronger. Just like I said you would back in Unova.

"Outside the gym"

Natsu holds a pair of gloves

Natsu: Wow! A Mega Glove!

Natsu puts the gloves on, and Gio looks at the Key Stone

Gio: So that's a Key Stone?

Natsu: Thank you, Hannah.

Hannah: Don't mention it.

Lucario looks at the Key Stone, and Aura surrounds its body. Lucario points to the sea

Gio: Is it Mega Evolving?

Phillip: No. I believe it can sense where the Lucarionite is.

Gio: Lucarionite?

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