Chapter 20: Hoenn Again!

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Sora Pov

We were all in Lilycove City because we were assigned to catch some water types for Chloes reaserch, we had packed a table and were about to eat lunch by the water

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We were all in Lilycove City because we were assigned to catch some water types for Chloes reaserch, we had packed a table and were about to eat lunch by the water. I only brought Riolu, and Persian for today. Tom brought Charmeleon. Ryon brought Grovyle and Cyndaquil. Karen brought Empoleon. Liana brought Raichu. Alice only brought Zigzagoon.

Alright everyone dig in. Alice, Karen, and Liana said, placing all the food on the table

Woah! Tom said with his mouth watering

Olu. Riolu squeeled, trying to grab one

Sorry little cutie pie, but theses are for us. Alice said, scratching Riolus head

Ol. Riolu whinned, as Alice places a bowl of food infront of his feet

 Riolu whinned, as Alice places a bowl of food infront of his feet

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Dig in Riolu. Alice said, as Riolu ate a piece one by one

Per? Persian said in confusion

Persians heres your plate of food. Liana said, placing a plate of what Riolu is eating infront of Persian

Sian. Persian purred, eating the food

You too Empoleon. Karen said, handing Empoleon a basket of Pokepuffs

Pol. Empoleon cheered and ate them

Grovyle, Cyndaquil here. Ryon said giving them a basket from the table

Gro. Grovyle said, eating a green one

Cyndaquil quil. Cyndaquil said eating a red one

You each get three. Ryon said, than ate a rice ball

Charmeleon here. Tom said placing a bowl of food down for Charmeleon, and it began eating

Zigzagoon here's a rice ball. Alice said, giving her Galarian pokemon a rice ball

Zig. Zigzagoon said eating the rice ball

We all ate than Alice made desert

Woah! Tom said, eating a donut

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