Chapter 77: Semi Finals!

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"In th arena"

Sai/Kuzan: Go!

Duraludon: Don!

Lucario: Lucar!

Sai (thought): Lucario, huh? We'll have to stay on our gaurd.

Rotom Drone: Battle begin!

Kuzan: Use Aura Sphere!

Sai: Iron Defense!

Duraludon glows white and Aura Sphere bounces off it

Kuzan: Power Up Punch!

Lucario gets in front of Duraludon and punches it multiple times

Sai: Keep using Iron Defense!

Duraludon keeps using Iron Defense as Lucario continues to punch it

Kuzan: Keep it up!

Sai: Use Metal Claw!

Duraludon hits Lucario in the face with Metal Claw

Sai: Now knock it back with Dragon Tail!

Duraludons tail glows red and knocks Lucario back a few feet

Kuzan: Not bad. What else you got?

Sai: We've got plenty. Let's wrap this up. Metal Beam!

Duraludon gets on fall fours, a shining ball forms near its mouth

Kuzan: Ok, Lucario, use Aura Sphere!

Lucario throws the Aura Sphere at the forming Metal Beam. Both attacks explode and Duraludon lays on its side

Sai: No!

Rotom Drone: Duraludon is unable to battle! Lucario wins! The Ever Grande Warriors get one point! The score is now one to zero.

Sai gets Duraludon back in its ball and walks to his team

Nate: You'll win the next one.

Sai: I know I will.

Gaki: You did your best. I'll take care of the second round.

Sai: Don't let us down.

Gaki: Do you know who you're talking to?

Gaki and a girl from the Warriors take their places on the battlefield

Girl: I'm taking you down!

Gaki: We'll see about that.

"In Fula City grand arena"

Rotom Drone: The score is now two to zero!

Boy: Come on Striker. Please go up. We can't lose here. Not like this.

Striker: Fine. But for the fourth round, you're going up again.

Girl: Are you crazy!? You're the only one who can win this for us.

Striker: What ever happened to believing in your teammates?

Striker and Kyoma take their places on the battlefield

Kyoma: Striker. It's truly an honor to battle the worlds top ranked trainer. To bad I'll be taking it from you.

Striker: A shame you won't be able to take my rank though. Those are the tournament rules after all.

Kyoma: Once I beat you everyone will see me as the strongest trainer in the world.

Striker: Let's cut the chit chat and battle.

Kyoma: Thought you'd never ask.

They each pull out a pokeball

Rotom Drone: 3! 2! 1! Go!

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