Chapter 100: Battling Bugs! Flying Sparks!

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"In Castelia City Pokémon Center'

Natsu: Please make sure Oshawott doesn't cause any trouble with everyone.

Sky: Relax. I'm sure it won't get into any trouble with the others. Good luck with your third gym badge.

Natsu: Thanks.

They hang up and Natsu runs outside

Clair: You ready?

Natsu: You know I am!

Mick: Then lets get going.

"In the Castelia City Gym"

Natsu: Hey! I'm here for a gym battle!

A trainer jumps off a tree from above and lands infront of Natsu

A trainer jumps off a tree from above and lands infront of Natsu

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Boy: I see. So you're next my challenger.

Natsu: That's right. The name is Natsu, and I'm here for my third badge.

Boy: I am Carlton, the Castelia City Gym leader.

Mick: Hmm. Those clothes, are you from Galar?

Carlton: Good eye. I'm actually a former gym leader from Galar, the Pokémon League actually transferred me here after the previous gym leader retired.

Natsu: I bet you have some strong Galar Bug Types.

Carlton: Sure do. But I'm not going to use them in our battle. Right now they're recovering at the Pokémon Center.

Natsu: Aw man.

Carlton: But my other Bug Types are really strong.

Natsu: Alright. Enough talk, lets battle.

"On the battlefield"

Rotom Drone: The gym battle between Gym Leader Carlton, and challenger Natsu is about to begin. You will each be aloud to use three pokémon, and only the challenger is aloud to make substitutions. The battle will end when all three pokémon on either side are unable to continue.

Carlton: I'll go first. Dwebble, you're up!

Carlton throws a pokeball and Dwebble comes out

Carlton throws a pokeball and Dwebble comes out

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