Chapter 87: The Champion Is Crowned! End Of An Era!

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"In Wyndon"

Announcer: Good morning fans! I hope you're already for the quarter finals of the World Tournament! The participants are currently in their hotel rooms resting. Once it's noon the battles will begin, at Wyndon Stadium, which is in two hours!

"In a room at Wyndon Stadium"

Nate and his pokémon that have hands and feet punch and kick sand bags, Rovempire holds onto a heavy object and lifts it up by flying in place. Striker walks down the hall and looks into the room Nate and his pokémon are in. Nate notices, pulls out a remote, taps the button, and the glass goes black

Striker: That was just rude.

Omega approachs Striker

Omega: Hope you're for me to crush you in the finals.

Striker: This won't go down like before. I've gotten way stronger.

Omega: As have I.

Yellow energy surrounds Striker, red energy surrounds Omega

Striker: Hmm. We'll see.

The energy around them fades, and Striker walks around Omega with a grin

"In another training room"

Lindsey scrolls through her phone of old battles, her pokémon stretching. The door opens and Sai enters

Sai: Got a minute?

Lindsey: Sure.

Lindsey puts her phone away

Sai: They just posted the matches for the quarter finals. I'm up against Omega.

Lindsey: Who am I up against?

Sai: Tatsumi Onzo.

Lindsey: Oh, Arceus no.

Sai: Come on, let's plan you a strategy.

Lindsey: Right.

"In another room"

Tatsumi and Tigra meditate on a long bench, white energy surrounding them. Rina leaning against the wall

Rina: You aren't worried about your next opponent?

Tatsumi: Of course not. My battle with Lindsey Katsu will be nothing more but a pit stop battle on my way to the top.

Rina: Kyoma and Striker are going to battle. Kenji is up against Nate Winters.

Tatsumi: I could care less if Kenji loses. Nate's soul will be destroyed by me, and me alone.

"At noon"

Every seat for audience members are filled, lights shine in on the battlefield

Announcer: Hello, trainers! I hope you're ready for this!

Audience: [Cheers]

Announcer: Then let's get started! In the blue corner, he's the top ranked trainer in Kalos, and the leader of the Kalos regions elite four, it's Omega Fang!

Omega walks onto the battlefield with a small grin

Girls in the audience: We love you!

Announcer: And in the red corner, his opponent, he boy with a sharp fang, and a huge attitude problem. A member of team that won the team battles, Sai Steel!

Sai walks onto the battlefield with his hands in his pockets

Audience: Show what you've got!

Omega and Sai meet in the middle of the field, and a Rotom Drone flies over to them

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