Chapter 112: Opelucid Gym Leaders Might!

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"At the Opelucid City Pokémon Center battlefield, five days later after last chapter"

Natsu: Snivy, use Leaf Blade! Riolu use Force Palm!

Snivy jumps and rolls with Leaf Blade, Riolu jumps and grabs Snivy's tail, and uses Force Palm

Snivy jumps and rolls with Leaf Blade, Riolu jumps and grabs Snivy's tail, and uses Force Palm

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Snivy: Sniv!

Snivy hits the ground and gets up

Natsu: You okay, Snivy?

Snivy nods, and Riolu holds its arms up. Clair and Mick stand to the side

Clair: They've been at this for a while. Riolu looks really pumped for this battle.

Mick: Don't forget this is going to be Riolu's first Gym Battle since they battled me.

Natsu: Riolu, use Power Up Punch! Snivy use Tackle!

Snivy hits Riolu in the chest and Riolu punches Snivy in the face. They separate and smile, then laugh

Clair: At least they're having fun.

Mick: That's what really counts in a battle.

Natsu: Okay Snivy switch with Dewott.

Snivy nods and switches place with Dewott

Dewott: Dewott!

Riolu: Riol!

Clair: I think Riolu is pushing itself to hard.

Mick: We only just got here, remember it's face when it saw Hannah's and the gym leaders Mega Lucario?

Clair: Looked like a child at a candy store.

Mick: Yeah.

Natsu: Riolu, use Double Team! Dewott use Ice Beam!

Riolu uses Double Team, and Dewott uses Ice Beam, freezing Riolu's feet to the ground

Natsu: Dewott, use Night Slash! Riolu, use Power Up Punch!

Dewott grabs one scalchop, a purple blade sticks out of it and Dewott runs to Riolu. Riolu uppercuts Dewott with Power Up Punch, and Dewott lands next to the other Pokémon

Natsu: Okay that's enough. Pignite, can you please Riolu's feet free?

Pignite uses Flamethrower on the ice and it melts. Riolu walks over to Natsu and Tigra pats its head, Clair and Mick walk over

Clair: Looking good Riolu.

Mick: Yeah, I know you'll win without a doubt.

Riolu nods

Natsu: We're gonna crush that gym leader, and get our last badge.

Natsu shows his Pokémon the gym badges

Dewott: Wott?

Pignite: Pignite.

Snivy: Sniv.

Unfezant: Fez.

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