Chapter 148: Return Of Legends! Part 2!

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"In the same room from last chapter"

Lila: Why you little! I'll take you down the same way I took down Renta!

Natsu: Are you serious!? You can't even bother to remember the name of the son you injured!

Lila: Primeape, return.

Lila gets Primeape back in its Pokéball

Natsu: What's your next move!? Bring it on, lady!

Lila: Flygon, let's go!

Lila throws a Luxury Ball and a Flygon comes out

Flygon: Fly!

Natsu: An alternate color Flygon

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Natsu: An alternate color Flygon.

Lila: Evolved from a green Trapinch.

Natsu: Whatever, now's not the time to get impressed. Lucario, Aura Sphere! Silvally, use Flamethrower!

Silvally and Lucario: [Roar]

Silvally uses Flamethrower, and Lucario uses Aura Sphere

Lila: Use Protect!

Flygon uses Protect, and blocks both Flamethrower and Aura Sphere

Natsu: Lucario, use Double Team and surround it!

Lucario: Ari!

Lucario surrounds Flygon by using Double Team

Natsu: Silvally, use Crush Claw!

Silvally jumps over Lucario and grabs Flygon's arms

Lila: Use Dragon Claw!

Natsu: Ice Fang, and Force Palm!

Lucario places its paw on Flygons back, and Silvally bites Flygon's neck. Flygon freezes from Ice Fang, and Lucario sends Flygon into a wall on the other side of the room

Lila: You little pests!

The room shakes

Natsu: What the!?

Joelle: This is because of you! You made this happen to the floor!

Sheila: Lady Lila, your orders!

Susan: We need them now!

Lila: You three get out of here and help that worker get everything prepared!

Joelle, Sheila, and Susan: Understood!

They leave the room

Natsu: Is that all you got? My Pokémon haven't received any damage at all.

Lila: Flygon, return.

Lila gets Flygon back in its Pokéball

Lila: This isn't over you little pieces of trash.

A sphere surrounds Lila and goes into the floor

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