Chapter 29: Mighty Vermilions Vs Lumiose Brawlers and Sinnoh Iron Fists!

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Sora pov

We were all on a plane to Lumiose City for our match in two days. Everyone but me was asleep, I was just staring at my pokeball

Lets do this. I said in my head

"Now in the city"

Wow it's so big! Luren said with shock, and childhood wonder

Alright guys lets go shopping! Alice said, making Karen, Luren, and Liana squeal with joy

We aren't here for shopping, we are here for our battle. Ren said

Shopping first, than we train after we get lunch. Liana said

Have fun shopping, I'm going to find the Lumiose Brawlers, and observe them. Ren said, than walked off into the city, his bag over his shoulder

I'm going to head out somewhere too. I said than ran off into the nearest crowd

Wait don't leave us! I heard Tom, and Ryon yell, as the girls were probably dragging them by their shirt collars

Alice pov

Wait where is the nearest store? I asked

Didn't Sora once say he came in this city all the time when he was little? Karen asked

I swear if we're lost, I'm going somewhere random too. Ryon said

Oh ok, and I'll just hunt you down and make you wear whatever I buy. How does that sound? Liana asked threateningly

Ok than I'm staying. Ryon said, in a scared tone

Pathetic. Luren said, as Ryons Lycanroc snickered at its trainers failure to escape

Sora pov

Alright almost at the hospital, I'm coming, just wait a little longer. I said to myself in my head

"Now at a hospital"

Rick I'm back! I yelled into the hospital room, and pulled the blankets off the bed, only to see an old man glaring at me

Hey wait you're not Rick. I said to the old man

That's right I'm not! Now get out of my room! The old man yelled

Hold on! I'm not leaving until I know where Rick is! I yelled at the old man

If you're looking for Rick then I am sorry to tell you that he's been moved to another hospital. A nurse said, after she walked in

Where!? I yelled with worry

I'm sorry but I can't tell you. The nurse said

Well thanks, now I'm going to have visit every hospital to see if he's in one of them. I said, and made my way to the door

When I said he's been moved to another hospital, I meant he's been moved to a hospital in another city. The nurse said

Oh thanks for being rude. I said, as equally rude at her as I could be

Get out before I have security throw you out. She threatened

You are pathetic, you are arguing with a ten year old. I said, and ran out the hospital

"Hours later"

She must have been lying, there is no way they'd move Rick out of the hospital and move him to another one. I said outloud to myself

Hey what do you think you're doing around here? A voice said behind me

You want to go!? I yelled at him, but was shocked to see who it was

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