Chapter 177: Omega Versus Maya! Masters Eight Tournament!

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"In the waiting room"

Everyone but Natsu is in the waiting room looking at the TV broadcasting the battle. Akio enters

Announcer: Champion Omega, and Champion Maya have arrived on the field. Only one star left each.

Maya and Omega stand on their spaces

"In the seats"

Natsu sits with Alex, Gio, Rika, Lizzie, and Mick

Natsu: Aunt Maya or Omega. I dunno who to cheer for.

Rika: You know them both?

Natsu: Omega's daughter and I are friends. Maya used to babysit me a lot when I was younger.

Rika: Whoa.

Mick: Welcome to Natsu's world, where everyday leads to the unexpected.

Gio and Alex: We've been living in it since we met him.

"On the battlefield"

Omega: [Roars]. The day has come! Trainers of Kanto and Johto! Witness my strength as your king! And to you Maya! As a Dragon Type Trainer, may this fight be one my Dragon's can be proud of! Hahahaha!

Maya: Forgive me, Omega, but I will not lose today. I hold the hopes and dreams of the Trainers from Hoenn who couldn't make it to the Master's Eight. So I will be winning this entire tournament for them!

Omega smirks

Omega: Then let's get this started!

Ref: Please bring out your Pokémon! Three! Two! One! Go!

Omega and Maya each throw a Pokéball and they open

Dragonite: Dra!

Aurorus: Aur!

Announcer: The battle has begun! Champion Omega has chosen Dragonite! And Maya has chosen Aurorus!

"In the seats"

Gio aims his Rotom Phone at Aurorus

Gio aims his Rotom Phone at Aurorus

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Pokédex: Aurorus. The Tundra Pokémon. A Rock and Ice Type. When in rage, it will spread freezing air, covering everything around it in ice.

"On the battlefield"

Ref: Battle begin!

Maya: Light Screen!

Omega: Hyper Beam!

Aurorus creates five shields of light. Dragonite uses Hyper Beam and hits Aurorus in the chest

Announcer: Light Screen reduced the Hyper Beam's damage! But since the attack landed, Dragonite will be unable to move for a short amount of time!

Maya: Blizzard go!

Aurorus uses Blizzard and hits Dragonite. Dragonite shields its eyes as it moves backwards from the Blizzard, the Blizzard ends and Dragonite glares

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