Chapter 31: Mighty Vermilions Vs Wyndon Strikers Part 2!

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Sora pov

Win this, Alice! Ren yelled

Yeah I know what to do! Alice yelled back

Lets do this already! Spencer yelled from his side of the field

Swellow, lets go! Alice yelled, throwing her pokeball, and Swellow began soaring around the field, than stopped above Alice

Swell! Swellow chirped loudly

Unfezant, lets go! Spencer yelled, throwing his pokeball

Unfez! The female Unfezant chirped

Begin! The drone yelled

Use Steel Wing! Alice and Spencer yelled at the same time

The two bird pokemons wings turned to iron, and took off high into the sky, spinning, and dealing damage at the exact same time

Now use Brave Bird! Alice and Spencer yelled

The two pokemon turned golden, than moved away from one another

Go! Alice yelled

Swell! Swellow chirped

Fez! Unfezant chirped as well

Show no mercy! Spencer yelled

When the two clashed they both came crashing down

Swellow, are you ok!? Alice yelled with worry

Swel! Swellow chirped, making the audience cheer loudly

Fez. The fainted Unfezant said

Unfezant is unable to battle, Swellow wins, the score is now three to three! The drone yelled, everyone cheering loudly

Swellow return. Alice said, getting Unfezant back in the ball, and walked over to us

I'm going up next. Ren said, than walked onto the field

The Mighty Vermilions have sent out Ren, and the Wyndon Strikers have sent out Kuza Montgomery! The drone yelled, making everyone cheer

Kuza what the heck! What happened about you going last!? I yelled

Sorry Sora. But my commander forced me to battle. Kuza said

Incineroar, lets go! Ren yelled, sending Incineroar out to the field

Roar! Incineroar roared, fire erupting from his belt

Samurott go! Kuza yelled, sending his pokeball to the field

Samu! Samurott roared

Begin! The drone yelled

Use Darkest Lariat! Ren yelled

Dodge, and then use Dual Razor Shell! Kuza yelled

Incineroar engulfed his fists in darkness, and spun at Samurott. Samurott got on its back legs, jumped over Incineroar, and used Razor Shell on his back

Now use Hydro Cannon! Kuza yelled

Samu! Samurott roared, and fired water at Incineroar, knocking him out

Incineroar is unable to battle, Samurott wins, the score is now Four to three! The drone yelled, making the audience cheer

Awsome work, take a good rest Samurott. Kuza said, getting Samurott back in the ball, and walked back over to his teammates, as did Ren

"Time skip, tie breaker, I'm to tiered to come up with names for the Wyndon Strikers"

The score is now six to six, the Mighty Vermilions Sora Winters will be battling for his fallen friends who have been sent to the hospital, and Kuza Montgomery from the Wyndon Strikers will be his oppent. These two clashed in the Sinnoh League, lets see how much stronger they are since then

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