Chapter 43: Electric Battle!

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Sora pov

Me and my friends we're inside the Lumiose Gym, I was waiting on the battlefield for the gym leader to come over. My friends, Dewott, and Froakie were sitting in the stands

Where is this guy! Kuza yelled

For your information, I'm a girl! A female voice yelled, and a girl walked onto the opposite square of the battlefield, a Pachirisu by her leg

For your information, I'm a girl! A female voice yelled, and a girl walked onto the opposite square of the battlefield, a Pachirisu by her leg

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You're the gym leader? I asked

That's right. My name's Bree, and I'm the Lumiose City gym leader. Bree said

My name is Sora Winters, and I'm here for my fifth badge, and fourth frontier symbol. I said

If you want the voltage badge, and lighting symbol, you must defeat three of my pokemon. Bree said, and a rotom drone flew in and hovered above the field

This gym battle will be a three on three battle, and only the challenger may substitute pokemon. The Rotom drone said, and displayed a reference model of three pokeballs, three on the right, and three on the left

Those three pokeballs on the left and right side will turn grey when one pokemon is unable to battle. Bree said

Alright than. Lets do this. I said

Luxio, let the sparks fly! Bree yelled, and threw a pokeball

Luxio! Her Luxio roared

Litleon, lets go! I yelled, and threw a pokeball

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Litleon, lets go! I yelled, and threw a pokeball

Litleon, lets go! I yelled, and threw a pokeball

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