Chapter 98: Rival Battle!

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"At the Battle Club in Luxuria Town"

Natsu scrolls through the bulletin board. Tigra and Riolu on his shoulders. Mick and Clair behind him

Natsu: Please let there be someone strong here.

Clair: Just pick someone.

Natsu: Ah!

Mick: Woah!

Clair: You scared us.

Natsu: Kari is here.

Clair: Who?

Natsu: I battled her when we first arrived in Unova, and she beat Tigra.

Tigra: Gra!

Clair: Oh.

Mick: I remember her.

Natsu: You know Kari?

Mick: Yes I do. She challenged me to a gym battle and won a Trio Badge.

Natsu: Woah! Now I'm really excited!

Worker: You'd like to battle Kari is that it?

Natsu: Yeah.

Worker: I'll just give her a call.

Kari enters the building

Worker: Nevermind.

Kari: So you're in town, too. Mick, from the Striaton City gym?

Mick: That's right.

Natsu: Hey Kari, let's battle.

Kari: That's a hard no.

Natsu: What?

Kari: You couldn't beat me last time so what's the point? Your Tigra is lacking in experience.

Natsu: Tigra wasn't in good shape last time and because of that we couldn't use electric type moves!

Kari: Excuses.

Natsu: Tigra and Riolu aren't my only pokémon anymore. I've caught a lot more!

Kari: Well I guess if it's a five on five I'm ok with it.

Natsu: Five on five? Don't you mean six on six?

Kari: I've only caught four pokémon since we last met.

Natsu: Oh. Well ok. Let's do it! I won a badge!

Natsu takes out his case and shows the Trio Badge

Kari: I've got two.

Kari shows ger badge case with two badges

Kari: I'll take you on.

Worker: I will be the ref for the battle.

Natsu: Thank you Kari!

Kari: Don't get excited. The results are obvious.

"On the battlefield"

Worker: This is a five on five pokémon battle. The battle will be over when all five pokémon from either side are unable to battle. Get ready.... Go!

Kari: Tranquill go!

Kari throws a pokeball and a Tranquill comes out

Tranquill: Quil!

Natsu: A Tranquill. That's part flying type. Ok, Oshawott go!

Natsu throws Oshawott's pokeball and it comes out

Oshawott: Oshawott!

Oshawott crosses its arms

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