Chapter 113: A Great Big Reunion!

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"At the Battle Club in Virbank City"

Natsu: Riolu, use Vacuum Wave! Tigra, use Thunderbolt!

Riolu: Riol!

Tigra: Gra!

Riolu hits a Hydreigon with Vacuum Wave and Tigra hits a Samurott with Thunderbolt. Both those Pokémon lay on the ground defeated

Worker: Hydreigon and Samurott are unable to battle! Riolu and Tigra win, so the match goes to Natsu!

Natsu: Alright! That's twenty wins in a row today!

The trainer of Hydreigon and Samurott gets them back in their pokeballs and walks away

Clair: Riolu's been doing really good since it beat Lucario.

Mick: Perhaps eating that Aura Sphere increased it's strength, even though the power it displayed wore off.

Clair: Could be.

Mick: Natsu, let's head to the Pokémon and get some ice cream!

Natsu: Okay!

Riolu and Tigra jump onto Natsu's shoulders, and they head outside

"After the Pokémon Center, a couple feet from an ice cream cart"

Natsu: I hope they have some really good flavors! I can't wait!

Mick: These ice creams are a Virbank City special called "Bearticone."

Clair: Sounds yummy.

They approach the ice cream cart and stop

Natsu: It can't be.

Clair: What's wrong?

???: Now what do I want? Chocolate chip, pecha berry, oran berry, strawberry, or mago flavor. No. Guess I'll go with vanilla.

Natsu: Could that be? Aunt Lindsey!

Mick: Wait a minute, Lindsey? No way.

Lindsey turns around from the ice cream cart and smiles

Lindsey: Natsu! It's great to see you again!

Natsu: Long time no see!

Tigra: Ti!

Tigra jumps onto Lindsey's shoulder and nuzzles her face

Clair: Wait? Aunt!?

Lindsey: Good to see you, Tigra. That's right, in a way I'm Natsu's aunt since me and Nate grew up like brother and sister.

Riolu: Riol.

Lindsey: A Riolu. I see you've become quite the trainer.

Tigra jumps back to Natsu's shoulder and Lindsey pets Riolu

Clair: Hmmm.

Lindsey: I'm glad to see you're doing well. Tigra too.

Tigra: Tigr!

Mick: Um, I'm the Striaton City Gym Leader named Mick! It is truly an honor to make your acquaintance!

Clair: Hi! My name is Clair, and this is my parter Axew.

Axew: Ax!

Lindsey: Nice to meet you.

Clair: Uh, Lindsey?

Lindsey: Yes?

Clair: Nothing. Nevermind.

Natsu: How come you're in Virbank City?

Lindsey: There's a plane going to Eastern Unova where I rent a house for vacations, and a plane goes there from here.

Mick: Which place are you visiting?

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