Chapter 106: Nate Vs Omega! Title Match!

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"On the Isle of Armor, where the Potbottom Pesert used to be"

Nate and Omega stand on opposite sides. Boats surround them on the water filled with cheering fans

Announcer: Welcome, trainers one and all! To the title match of the century! We have the strongest Kalos Champion Master, and Dragon Master Omega Fang!

A Rotom Drone faces Omega that puts his smirking face on every screen worldwide. The crowd cheers

Crowd: Go, Omega! Go! Go! Go!

Announcer: And his opponent, currently ranked number one for seven years straight without a single loss, Nate Winters!

The Rotom Drone puts Nate's face on every screen worldwide. The crowd cheers louder for him

Crowd: Go, Nate! Go!

Announcer: Not only that but we got the worlds second ranked trainer Striker here!

Everyone sees Striker stand on an empty boat

Rotom Drone: This title match will be a one on one battle! The battle will be over when either Pokémon on either side are unable to continue. Now please bring out your Pokémon!

Omega: Dragonite, go!

Omega throws the pokeball and Dragonite comes out

Dragonite: Drag!

Nate: Urshifu, go!

Nate throws a pokeball and Urshifu comes out

Urshifu: Fu!

Rotom Drone: Three! Two! One! Battle begin!

Nate: Use Dragon Crush!

Omega: Dragon Claw!

Urshifu's fists glow purple, and clash with Dragon Claw

Nate: Use Iron Head!

Urshifu uses Iron Head and headbutt Dragonite

Omega: Use Hurricane!

Dragonite flies into the air and traps Urshifu with Hurricane

Nate: Ride the wind, and use Ice Punch!

Urshifu lets the wind from Hurricane carry it above Dragonite, and punches it to the ground with Ice Punch

Omega: Get up, and use Hyper Beam!

Nate: Use Dragon Crush!

Urshifu falls to Dragonite with Dragon Crush. Dragonite fires Hyper Beam and Urshifu punches it, Hyper Beam pushes Urshifu higher into the air and explodes. Urshifu lands on its feet and wipes sweat off its face

Nate: Urshifu, are you okay!?

Urshifu gives a thumbs up

Omega: Hahahahaha! I've been waiting so long for this day!

Nate: Same here. I'm a little disappointed you didn't choose your Urshifu for this battle, but I won't complain since I'm enjoying this.

Omega: Only one of us is gonna win this battle, and I'm going back to Kalos with the title.

Nate: We'll see about that.

Omega: Use Ice Beam, and aim for its feet!

Dragonite freezes Urshifu's feet

Nate: Oh?

Omega: Now use Dragon Claw repeatedly!

Dragonite hits Urshifu in the face with Dragon Claw over and over

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