Chapter 76: Darkness!

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"In the park"

Nate: Thank you, Incineroar.

Incineroar: Roar!

Nate: Take care everyone!

Nate runs inside the laboratory

Ryon: Nate, can I talk to you?

Nate: Sure.

Ryon: I want you to make me a promise.

Nate: If it's to throw my match then no.

Ryon: No. I don't want you to hold back against Lindsey. She told me she's going up first in your teams match.

Nate: That's all?

Ryon: Yeah, and one more thing....

All the sound in the room goes silent as Ryon speaks

Nate: I promise.

"In a bay, near Dewford City"

Nate, Sai, and Akira sit on a bench on one side, Lindsey and two other trainers sit on a bench on the other side, both benches far away from eachother, a battlefield between them. Gwen, and Gaki sit on a bench further away from their team

Sai: This is the quarter finals. Only four teams are going to make it into the semi finals.

Nate: Yeah.

Akira: The Dewford Surfers have won this tournament three years in a row, and have won every match two to zero since Lindsey joined their team.

Nate: She's mine. I lost our first battle in Kalos, so this will be payback.

Rotom Drone: Greetings trainers of both teams. This is a best two out of three match. The team that wins this battle will move onto the semi finals. The Ever Grande Warriors, Azoth Kings, and Fula Knights have all made into the semi finals. So only one spot remains.

Nate: What happened to Kips team?

Rotom Drone: The Opelucid Shiners dropped out. The trainers and their pokémon are currently being treated for heavy injuries.

Nate: Damn it! I wanted a rematch against Kip!

Gaki: I'm going up first.

Nate: Hell no!

Nate and Lindsey take their places on the battlefield

Lindsey: I had a feeling you'd want to go up first.

Nate: This will be payback from our battle in Kalos.

Lindsey: You'll still lose.

Nate: We'll see.

Rotom Drone: Please bring out your pokémon at the same time. 3! 2! 1! Go!

Nate/Lindsey: Let's go!

Typhlosion: Ty!

Cinderace: Ace!

Rotom Drone: Battle start!

Lindsey: Ladies first. Use Stone Edge!

Typhlosion punches the ground, tall light blue stones surround Cinderace

Nate: Flame Charge!

Lindsey: Thunder Punch!

Cinderace bounces off the stones with Flame Charge, and gets to the top. Typhlosion appears infront of it and punches it back down with Thunder Punch

Nate: Why you!

Lindsey: Come on, now. You spend a few weeks on the Isle of Armor and this is all you have to offer? So sad.

Nate: Use Pyro Ball!

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