Chapter 146: Clash Of Dragons! Natsu Vs Clair!

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"In Gara Fields"

Natsu holds a letter, his Pokémon stand around him

Natsu: A letter? For me?

Gio: Yeah. It says its from the Unova Region.

Natsu: Unova?

Warzox cuts the letter open

Natsu: Thanks, Warzox.

Warzox: Zox.

Natsu reads the letter

Natsu: Tigra, Lucario! It's from Clair!

Lucario and Tigra try to read the letter

Gio: Who's she?

Natsu: She's a friend from when I traveled through Unova. She's training to become a Dragon Master.

Gio: Wow!

Natsu: She says she wants to have an official battle, and she's ranked 101 in the Great Class.

Gio: Oh! A showdown between friends! This is gonna be awesome!

Natsu: It will! I can't wait! Unova, here we come!

"In a park in Opelucid City"

Gio: Pokéball go!

Gio throws a Pokéball at a Pansear, and catches it

Pokedéx: Pansear has been registered to your Pokedéx!

Gio: Yes!

Gio sees a Panpour

Gio: Pokéball go!

Gio throws another Pokéball and catches Panpour

Pokedéx: Panpour has been registered to your Pokedéx!

Gio: All right!

Gio sees a Durant

Gio: Pokéball, go!

Gio throws a Pokéball at Durant and catches it

Pokedéx: Durant has been registered to your Pokedéx!

Gio: Oh yeah!

Grookey: Groo!

Grookey points at a tree

Gio looks at where Grookey points

Gio: That's a pretty big Pokémon. Pokéball, go!

Gio throws the Pokéball, and hits the target

Clair: Ow!

Gio: Ow!?

Clair falls and lands on her feet

Gio: A person! I'm so sorry! I thought you were a Pokémon!

Clair: Nah it's fine. I guess it is a little wierd to be sleeping up in the trees. I overslept! Thanks for waking me!

Clair swings on vines

Gio: What a wierd girl.

"At the Opelucid City Gym"

Natsu and Lucario at the gym, Tigra on Lucario's shoulder

Natsu: The Opelucid Gym. We haven't been here in a while.

An Axew walks by

Natsu: Axew!

Axew looks at them

Natsu: You two think its Clair's?

They look around, Kuzo walks over and picks Axew up

Kuzo: Sorry, but this is my Pokémon.

Natsu: Kuzo!

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