Chapter 12: Training Day Part 2!

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Sora pov

It was raining hard today and Sakyo canceled the training for today. Me, Tom, Alice, Ryon, and Liana were in a cabin, Sakyo out in the rain training

Ugh this isn't fair, how come he gets to train but we're stuck in hear! Ryon said complaining in his bed, looking at the ceiling

Just deal with it. Tom said in his bed, not wanting to move

Yeah come on Ryon yesterday he completely demolished us, and the pokemon we used in that battle are still recovering. Liana said, stroking Feraligatrs back

The pokemon we used in our battle against Sakyo all had bandaging around their heads, backs, and arms. Tyranitar took the defeat pretty hard and won't come inside

Gengar lets go! I yelled and opened the window then jumped out, Gengar floating above me, Riolu, and Raboot on my shoulders

Sora wait! I heard Alice yell

Ryon pov

Welp he's a goner. I said

Should we go after him? Tom said

Let him tire himself out. I repiled

Sora pov

Sakyo the moment I find you are going d- I was about to yell when I relaized I had run off the path of the trail, there was no ground beneath me and I was about to fall

Just than Sakyo grabbed my wrist, he tied a scarf onto a rock near the edge

I thought I told you to stay in the cabin! Sakyo yelled

Battle me again! I yelled

Fine but if I win you do as you're told. Sakyo ordered

Fine! I repiled than he lifted me up to the path and he somersaulted to the battle field

Dragonite go! He yelled throwing his poke ball out

Dra! Dragonite roared

Gengar lets do this! I yelled and Gengar came out from the shadows

Gen! Gengar roared

Use dragon rush! Sakyo yelled

Psychic and slam it to the ground! I yelled and Dragonites attack was sent to the ground

Use thunder! Sakyo said like mad man

Use psychic again! I yelled and Gengar gained control of the Thunder

Now throw it from the shadows! I yelled, Gengar sank into its shadow, than moved to Dragonites, popped up behind it and pressed the Thunder against its back

Drag! Dragonite roared in agony

Ryon pov, still at the cabin

I wonder how it's going for Sora right now? I asked everyone in ths room

He's probably gotten himself lost. Tom replied

Lycanroc was laying on the floor next to my bed than he perked his head up and began growling at the door

Lycanroc what's wrong? I asked my partner

footsteps could be heard outside, even though it was pouring hard out there, when the footsteps stopped, the door handle began moving, than as it was opening, the door was sent off its hinges and hit the wall across from it, an average height boy was at the former door way, he had black boots, black baggy sweat pants, and hoodie tied around his waist

footsteps could be heard outside, even though it was pouring hard out there, when the footsteps stopped, the door handle began moving, than as it was opening, the door was sent off its hinges and hit the wall across from it, an average height boy ...

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Sakyo Fang, where is he. He said in a demandingly angery tone

He's on the mountain peak. Alice said terrified that he broke the door with a simple push

He turned around and was about to walk out when Soras Tyranitar stopped him

You aren't leaving till you fix this door. Tom said

Zor! We all looked down and saw a Zorua growling at us

Zorua that's enough. The boy said, and Zorua climbed up his leg and rested in his hoodie

Alice than took out her phone and scanned Zorua

Zorua, the tricky fox pokemon, a dark type, this Pokémon has a cowardly disposition, so when it's not around friends, it basically always stays transformed as something else

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Zorua, the tricky fox pokemon, a dark type, this Pokémon has a cowardly disposition, so when it's not around friends, it basically always stays transformed as something else. Alices phone said than compared the poke dex picture to the boys Zorua

 Alices phone said than compared the poke dex picture to the boys Zorua

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It's eyes are red. Tom said

It's body fur and neck fur are darker. Liana said

And it's paws, and head tuft are blue. I said

My Zoruas colors are rare like your Krookodile, Ryon. The kid said than walkes away

Sora pov

Gengar shadow ball! I yelled and Gengar threw the dark purple ball

Break it with dragon claw! Sakyo yelled and Dragonite destroyed the shadow ball

Both of us, including our pokemon were panting

Enough is enough, time end this, Dragonite! Sakyo yelled, engulfing his body in a red aura and Dragonite was too

Gengar use ice punch! I yelled, and Gengar charged at Dragonite, its fist encased in ice

Time for our ultimate attack, Dragonite raging claw! Sakyo yelled throwing his fist in the air, and Dragonite came charging at Gengar, its claws and eyes were red, both had a smile on their faces

Than just before contact

Use focus blast! We heard a voice say and a blue intercepted with the finsl blow, the explosion knocked Gengar out cold and Dragonite took minor damage

Than a Zangoose came from above, and landed on the ground on all fours, growling

Show yourself! Sakyo yelled

A figure began walking up from behind me

Who the hell are you? Sakyo said, mad that the battle was interrupted

My name is Kyoto Vorono, and I rank seventeenth in the Ultra Class, I've come here to battle you for your position as the worlds number two trainer. Kyoto said holding a poke ball out to Sakyo

Wait, Vorona? I said

Yes that's right. Kyoto replied

That means your Lanes brother. I said

Lane is my older brother, and he the sixteenth strongest in the Ultra Class. Kyoto said in anger

That's enough Kyoto! A deep voice said behind him

Master? Kyoto said in slight fear

Huh, ah finally a real challenge. Sakyo said as he began laughing

Leon, the worlds number three. Sakyo said as the former world champion smiled, with his arms crossed

Been a long time, Sakyo. Leon replied

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