Chapter 169: Getting Fired Up! Natsu VS Kari!

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"In Gara Fields"

Tigra and Weavile (Weavile chapter 118) swing at each other. Lucario throws punches and kicks at Warzox (Warzox first appeared in chapter 67 and Natsu's first appeared in 124) who dodges and blocks. Noivern (Noivern is from chapter 118) and Silvally and swing their arms at one another. Natsu, Gio, and Alex watch them

Natsu: Yeah that's the stuff! Keep going at full strength!

Gio: They're really pumped.

Alex: Yeah.

Natsu: We've been training hard since we met Connor. We can't afford to lose this tournament. But we need to get more fired up.

Gio: How?

Natsu: Trying to think.

Rotom Phone: You have a call. You have a call.

Natsu answers and holds the phone up to his ear

Natsu: Hello?

Sora (over phone): Natsu, your Pokémon would like to see you. (Sora is from the very first chapter)

Natsu: That's it! We'll see Grandma and Grandpa and all of the Pokémon! C'mon everyone!

Natsu hangs up and runs, his Pokémon close behind

Alex: Wait where is he going?

Gio: C'mon.

Gio, Alex, and Lizzie chase Natsu and his Pokémon

"In Vaniville Town"

Natsu, Gio, Alex and Lizzie run through the town and arrive at Sora and Alice home

Natsu: Finally here!

Sora exits the house and greets them

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Sora exits the house and greets them

Sora: Natsu, look at you. A member of the Masters Eight, I couldn't be prouder.

Natsu: Thank you.

Gio: Hello sir.

Sora: Good to see you again, Gio, Grookey.

Grookey smiles on Gio's shoulder

Sora: And who's this little lady?

Alex: Alex Winters. This is my partner Lizzie.

Lizzie: Io.

Sora: Nice to meet you.

Natsu: So where's Grandma?

Sora: She's visiting her sister in the Hoenn Region. Now c'mon, the Pokémon are waiting for you. Astrid sent over your Pokémon from Alola.

Natsu: Yes!

They walk around the house and enter a giant grassy plain. The ground shakes, and everyone sees Tyrantrum leading all of Natsu's, Nate's, Sora's, and Alice's Pokémon

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