Chapter 173: Masters Eight Tournament! Part 4!

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"On a Pokémon Center Battlefield, from last chapter, at night"

Natsu: Aura Sphere!

Gio: Fire Punch!

Lucario throws Aura Sphere and Infernape breaks it with Fire Punch

Natsu: Bullet Punch!

Gio: Mach Punch!

Lucario and Infernape punch each other's faces at the same time

Natsu: Lucario, that's enough for now.

Gio: Infernape you too.

Lucario and Infernape step off the battlefield

Natsu: Noivern, you're up!

Noivern flies onto the battlefield

Gio: Let's go, Absol!

Gio throws a Pokéball and his Hoenn Absol comes out

Absol: Sol!

Alex: Battle begin!

Gio: Psycho Cut!

Absol swings its horn and purple blades shoot from it

Natsu: Dragon Claw!

Noivern flies up and breaks the Psycho Cut with Dragon Claw

Natsu: Now charge!

Noivern flies to Absol with Dragon Claw

Gio: Dodge it!

Absol jumps over Noivern

Gio: Shadow Ball!

Absol hits Noivern in the back Shadow Ball. Noivern lands on the ground and gets up

Natsu: Fight through the pain, Noivern! Use Draco Meteor!

Noivern: Noi!

Noivern fires Draco Meteor, and manu meteors fall down

Gio: Jump up the meteors!

Absol jumps on the meteors

Natsu: Now Dragon Claw!

Noivern chases after Absol and reaches it

Gio: Behind you!

Absol turns its head and sees Noivern

Natsu: Draco Meteor!

Noivern: Noi!

Noivern hits Absol with Draco Meteor. Absol hits the ground

Absol: Sol....

Alex: Absol is down! Noivern wins!

Noivern lands behind Absol and helps it up. Absol nods

Gio: Get a good rest, Absol.

Natsu: Noivern, you too.

Natsu and Noivern get the Pokémon back in their Pokéballs. Nurse Joy steps outside

Nurse Joy: The battlefield is now closed.

Gio: Oh okay.

Natsu: I'm tired anyway.

"In a training with Maya and Akio room at the Stadium"

Akio and Maya battle one another

Akio: Charizard use Flamethrower!

Maya: Gardevoir, use Protect!

Mega Charizard uses Flamethrower, and Mega Gardevoir uses Protect

Maya: Can we stop now? It's late.

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