Chapter 95: Entering Into New Friendships!

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"On the road, ten minutes after last chance"

Natsu and Tigra run down the path, Riolu on his shoulder

Natsu: Striaton City, here we come!

Tigra: Gra!

Riolu: Olu!

Natsu: Maybe we'll meet a bug type pokémon first. Or maybe a grass or fire type.

They stop running after seeing bushes shake, and a purple thing sticks out

Natsu: Alright let's see what we got.

Natsu aims his pokedex at it

Pokedex: Axew, The Tusk Pokémon, a dragon type

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Pokedex: Axew, The Tusk Pokémon, a dragon type. They mark their territory by leaving gashes in trees with their tusks. If a tusk breaks, a new one grows in quickly.

Natsu: Looks different than in the Pokedéx, and it evolves into Haxorus. Alright our first friend in Unova is gonna be a dragon type.

Natsu pulls out a Pokéball

Natsu: Go!

Natsu throws the ball, it hits the purple thing bounces off

???: Ow!

Natsu: Ow!?

A girl stands up from the bushes and glares at Natsu

Natsu: I'm sorry! I was just trying to catch a pokémon

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Natsu: I'm sorry! I was just trying to catch a pokémon.

The girl walks over to Natsu

???: So you're telling me that I look like one!?

Natsu: No!

???: Is my face in the pokedex? Tell me is it!?

Natsu: No! I'm sorry!

???: Fine. Apology accepted. But you've got a real long way to go to know what a pokémon looks like. Right, Axew?

An Axew walks out of the bushes, and the girl feeds it a berry

Axew: Axew, Axe.

Natsu: Oh so that's where it was.

Riolu gets off Natsu's shoulder, than it and Tigra walk to Axew

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