Chapter 134: Oblivia In Despair! Part 4!

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"At the Core Town Power Plant"

Natsu: Riolu, use Force Palm! Tigra, use Iron Tail!

Tenka: Blastoise, Iron Defense!

Blastoise steps infront of Mega Aggron and uses Iron Defense. Both Riolu's and Tigra attacks hit Blastoise

Tenka: Aggron, use Heavy Slam!

Mega Aggron jumps up, and falls down to Riolu and Tigra

Natsu: Dodge it!

Riolu and Tigra get out of the way before Mega Aggron hits the floor

Natsu: Force Palm!

Riolu jumps to Mega Aggron with Force Palm. Blastoise protects Mega Aggron

Tenka: Heavy Slam!

Mega Aggron jumps, and Riolu dodges before Mega Aggron hits the ground

Natsu: Wow! You've divided attack and defense between them! That's really awesome!

Tenka smiles

Tenka: Tell me, what kind of opponents do you like?

Natsu: What kind of opponents? That's simple! Really strong ones that can make my heart race!

Tenka's eyes go wide


A younger Tenka stands on a Pokémon Center battlefield with an Aron and Squirtle, many older trainers laying on the ground with their injuried Pokémon. Lori approaches him

Lori: Tell me, young boy. What kind of opponents do you like.

Tenka: Strong ones, really strong ones that can make my heart race.

Lori: Then how'd you like to come with me. You can battle strong Trainers all day to your hearts content.

"End of flashback"

Tenka looks up as tears spill out of his eyes

Natsu: Dude, are you okay?

Tenka: Yeah. I'm just really happy to finally find someone who likes the same kind of opponents as me. That means, it was destiny we battle each other here today, Brother!

Natsu: Brother? Um okay. Tigra, run around Blastoise! Riolu, use Double Team!

Tenka: Don't hold back on us, Brother!

Riolu uses Double Team and runs around Mega Aggron. Tigra runs around Blastoise

Tenka: Brilliant!

"With Gio"

Gio: Use Flamethrower!

Rosie: Use Water Pulse!

Miloviper uses Water Pulse, and Monferno uses Flamethrower. Water Pulse extinguishes Flamethrower and hits Monferno

Gio: Use Flamethrower over and over!

Monferno uses Flamethrower multiple times

Rosie: Water Pulse.

Miloviper puts out each Flamethrower with Water Pulse and hits Monferno

Gio: Monferno, are you okay!?

Monferno gets up

Rosie: Give it up.

Gio: Never!

"With Connor on the roof"

Connor: Use Dragon Claw!

Charizard flies up to Drasara but misses Dragon Claw and gets hit by its tail and onto the floor

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